second UART for Bluetooth isnt working after upgrade from 0.9.2 to 1.0.1


i do have tried a setup with ESP3D serial to tcp/ip connection on one of my 3d-printers.

My hardware is the classic reprap hardware with arduino mega2560 and ramps 1.4.
After a quick view in the pins.h for ramps motherboard i have seen the D16/D17 pins for UART2 are not used.
Then after activation of the "Bluetooth UART 2" the fullgraphic 12864 smartcontroller was not working, so after some search in the sources i found the places where the pins are defined.

for 0.9.2 its in "ui.h" UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN and UI_DISPLAY_ENABLE_PIN on 16/17. On the AUX4 connector are some spare pins so i changed the signals of the display to 39 and 43 and modified the display adapter pcb. (line 801/803)

for rev 1.0.1 the right place for the same thing is "displaylist.h" (line 326/328) with same signals and pin definition.

After changing the signal lines as described and switch to the modified display adapter the smartcontroller is working now.
But i cant get a serial connection on UART2 with repetier fw 1.0.1
On version 0.9.2 it is working.

I tried different baudrate too, and a usb-serial(TTL) adapter on the pins, but doesnt work with 1.0.1


  • sorry, it was not 1.0.1, it is in firmware rev 1.0.2
  • same in 1.0.3-dev

    tell me if you need config oder displaylist files.
  • I'm a new Repetier firmware user. I grabbed the latest 1.0.3. Having the same issue. Bluetooth serial port is not working. I manually switched RFSERIAL to Serial3 (the Y endstop pins on the MKS GEN L Ramps board) and confirmed the hardware is working OK. The Bluetooth serial port does NOT communicate with the board!
  • The same issue.

    Try 1.0.5 firmware with manual configuration, 1.0.4 from web configurator - serial1 not working.

    Try arduino ide 1.6.7 and 1.8.8.

    Try to uncomment no succes.

    When upload old firmware 0.92.9 serial1 working perfectly.

    My config section for 1.0.5:
    #define BLUETOOTH_SERIAL   1                      // Port number (1..3) - For RUMBA use 3
    #define BLUETOOTH_BAUD     115200                 // communication speed
    (i use ramps 1.4, bt connected to pins 17 and 18)

    #ifdef RAMPS_V_1_3

    #define ORIG_X_STEP_PIN         54
    #define ORIG_X_DIR_PIN          55
    #define ORIG_X_ENABLE_PIN       38
    #define ORIG_X_MIN_PIN          -1     //3
    #define ORIG_X_MAX_PIN          3      //2

    #define ORIG_Y_STEP_PIN         60
    #define ORIG_Y_DIR_PIN          61
    #define ORIG_Y_ENABLE_PIN       56
    #define ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN          -1    //14
    #define ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN          2     //15

    #define ORIG_Z_STEP_PIN         46
    #define ORIG_Z_DIR_PIN          48
    #define ORIG_Z_ENABLE_PIN       62
    #define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN          -1    //18
    #define ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN          14    //19

  • edited February 2019
    (i use ramps 1.4, bt connected to pins 17 and 18)

    Sorry, 18 and 19 pins of course.

    And i try to connect PUTTY terminal via bluetooth - empty, no one symbol after flashing new firmware. I try to short rx\tx pins on ramps 1.4 and terminal have echo but still no comunnication with board. After flashing old firmware with the same config i see on terminal "welcome" and activity and connection work properly.

  • edited February 2019
    The code changes described in this bug report worked for me. I am able to use TFT32 on UART3 (Y endstops pins 14 and 15) while simultaneously having Repetier Server connected to UART0 (AUX1 / USB). Note that the repetier.xml file - protocol must be set to ascii, since the protocol is changed for both UARTs, or the MKSTFT will not work becuase it does not speak 'repetier'

    This isn't a permanent fix but it achieved what I needed for now.
  • edited October 2019
    Today i migrate to version 1.0.3 from 0.92.9

    Uart1 still not working in base config from github. I use fix from Curado link (post of ThomasHamke ) and it works.

    I reproduce solution and uart1 start functioning properly.

    in Configuration.h and HAL.h comment all "#define EXTERNALSERIAL" (3 places in 2 configs):

    //#define EXTERNALSERIAL //Comment this line!!!
    //#define EXTERNALSERIAL //Comment this line!!!

    //#define EXTERNALSERIAL  // Force using Arduino serial
    #undef HardwareSerial_h
    #define  HardwareSerial_h // Don't use standard serial console

    In gcode.cpp make some replaces:
    Old code looks like:
    FlashGCodeSource flashSource;
    SerialGCodeSource serial0Source(&RFSERIAL);
    SerialGCodeSource serial1Source(&RFSERIAL2);

    fast8_t GCodeSource::numSources = 2; ///< Number of data sources available
    fast8_t GCodeSource::numWriteSources = 2;
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::sources[MAX_DATA_SOURCES] = {&serial0Source,&serial1Source};
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::writeableSources[MAX_DATA_SOURCES] = {&serial0Source,&serial1Source};
    fast8_t GCodeSource::numSources = 1; ///< Number of data sources available
    fast8_t GCodeSource::numWriteSources = 1;
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::sources[MAX_DATA_SOURCES] = {&serial0Source};     
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::writeableSources[MAX_DATA_SOURCES] = {&serial0Source};
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::activeSource = &serial0Source;

    New looks like: (i just comment old ones)
    FlashGCodeSource flashSource;
    SerialGCodeSource serial0Source(&RFSERIAL);
    //SerialGCodeSource serial1Source(&RFSERIAL2); - old commented code
      SerialGCodeSource serial1Source(&RFSERIAL); // - new code

    //New code
    fast8_t GCodeSource::numSources = 1;
    fast8_t GCodeSource::numWriteSources = 1;
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::sources[MAX_DATA_SOURCES] = {&serial1Source};
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::writeableSources[MAX_DATA_SOURCES] = {&serial1Source};
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::activeSource = &serial1Source;
    //end of new code

    /* Old commented code
    fast8_t GCodeSource::numSources = 2; ///< Number of data sources available
    fast8_t GCodeSource::numWriteSources = 2;
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::sources[MAX_DATA_SOURCES] = {&serial0Source,&serial1Source};
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::writeableSources[MAX_DATA_SOURCES] = {&serial0Source,&serial1Source};
    fast8_t GCodeSource::numSources = 1; ///< Number of data sources available
    fast8_t GCodeSource::numWriteSources = 1;
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::sources[MAX_DATA_SOURCES] = {&serial0Source};     
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::writeableSources[MAX_DATA_SOURCES] = {&serial0Source};
    GCodeSource *GCodeSource::activeSource = &serial0Source;

    After uploading new firmware communication estabilished succesfully from bluetooth, connected 18 and 19 pins.
    Thanks for solution.

    Repetier, thanks you too for great firmware, but please check this bug. After half of year it still present in new firmware.

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