SdFat.h: No such file or directory (Arduino IDE v
I am trying to compile and upload Repetier firmware from my Raspberry pi (2 and 3 models) to arduino mega 2560. I am using Arduino IDE v ersion on my Pi2 board and on Pi3 it is the latest version. I have installed SdFat library in IDE and all examples in the SdFat are now visible in arduino IDE, but while compiling the repeater firmware throwing error as follows-
Any sugestions/solution are welcome.
Kind regards,
I am trying to compile and upload Repetier firmware from my Raspberry pi (2 and 3 models) to arduino mega 2560. I am using Arduino IDE v ersion on my Pi2 board and on Pi3 it is the latest version. I have installed SdFat library in IDE and all examples in the SdFat are now visible in arduino IDE, but while compiling the repeater firmware throwing error as follows-
/ usr / share / arduino / hardware / tools / avr / bin / avr-g ++ -c -g -Os -Wall -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu = atmega2560 -DF_CPU = 16000000L -MMD -DUSB_VID = null -DUSB_PID = null -DARDUINO = 105 -D__PROG_TYPES_COMPAT__ -I / usr / share / arduino / hardware / arduino / cores / arduino -I / usr / share / arduino / hardware / arduino / variants / mega -I / usr / share / arduino / libraries / SPI /tmp/build9023317472017874605.tmp/uilang.cpp -o /tmp/build9023317472017874605.tmp/uilang.cpp.o
In file included from uilang.cpp: 24: 0:
Repetier.h: 629: 29: fatal error: src / SdFat / SdFat.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Any sugestions/solution are welcome.
Kind regards,
So solution would be using extra driver which works normally great. You need to select mirror z axis and make sure no extruder uses same motor driver you use for mirror.
If controller resets that is bad. What does the console show as restart reason? What if you remove the driver, would it still reset?