Check DISTORTION_LIMIT_TO - if your measured value is not within this range it will abort, so any wrong measurement can cause this. If you set it to 0 to disable it will only fail if it is triggered before going down. We can not really differntiate what is wrong as we do not know what the problem is, only know that results make no sense so we stop.
i use the mk42 bed (clone) and it has 6 fixing points
i used a dialguage(messuhr) to make sure that all 6 points are level, but these clones are know to bed a bit more that those prusa puts on his machines
the bend is worst at the last 20mm from the 4 corner fix points to the edge...
if prusa did sell these beds on its own i bet the problem would have been less
sadly to get one from prusa you have to show that you own a machine from him
are there a limit to how much 2 probe points can differ before its considered an error?
and are there any settings i could tweak to allow for this?
G33 Xpo Ypos Zyour correction
G33 L0 lists all positions and stored correction - copy the line with fixed z value to fix it.
i lowered it to 6x6 grid just to make it faster... i bet it will work with 20x20 again
again it could be nice to have some kind of info why it fails or an option to have it complete the probing even if errors are there.
but i will try and give it a look later tonight
i assume that if it says ref height is 6mm the messured values can be between 4 or 8?
what other reasons can there be for it to abort a G33?
i assume that if it says ref height is 6mm the messured values can be between 4 or 8?
it failed because the extreme edge of the bed was just 0.001 over or under the limit :-D
i use the mk42 bed (clone) and it has 6 fixing points
i used a dialguage(messuhr) to make sure that all 6 points are level, but these clones are know to bed a bit more that those prusa puts on his machines
the bend is worst at the last 20mm from the 4 corner fix points to the edge...
if prusa did sell these beds on its own i bet the problem would have been less
sadly to get one from prusa you have to show that you own a machine from him