Pin25 on High
by Repetier ·#define MB_SETUP SET_OUTPUT(25);WRITE(25,HIGH); -
image engraving setting
by ockert ·#define SUPPORT_LASER 1 -
Seit Update 1.0.2 - Communication Timeout
by andyp79 ·#define NO_TIMEOUTS 1000 // Milliseconds -
About SKR2 settings
by Repetier ·#define X_MAX_LENGTH 270 -
NTC 100K B3950 Thermistor, Firmware settings
by Ovrdose01 ·Hello, can anyone assist me in adding a NTC 100K B3950 Thermistor,to my Repetier firmware, what table do I input for #define Temp_Sensor_0 please help I am completely lost, when I initially connected -
Setting Menu with 3d print, laser and cnc modes
by AMolinari ·I'm breaking my head a little... I would like to put #define DEFAULT_PRINTER_MODE 0 and other its values 1 and 2. Respectively, 0 - 3d print, 1 - laser, 2 - cnc, within a "setting" menu -
Motor is stuck and only humms loudly, will not home or move. M114/Move commands returns crazy value
by sgregory ·#define ALWAYS_CHECK_ENDSTOPS 1 -
changing speeds between lines and curves
by Repetier ·#define EXTRUDE_MAXLENGTH 160 -
changing speeds between lines and curves
by Thorsten ·#define DELTA_SEGMENTS_PER_SECOND_PRINT 60 // -
changing speeds between lines and curves
by Repetier ·#define MAX_JERK 20 -
changing speeds between lines and curves
by Thorsten ·#define CONFIGURATION_H -
Can't change z min pos
by Repetier ·#define Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET_MODE 0 -
Can't change z min pos
by 9990 ·#define Z_PROBE_PIN 63 -
Heated Bed disables after connecting server
by Repetier ·#define TEMP_GAIN 1 -
Heated Bed disables after connecting server
by Daneasch ·#define CONFIGURATION_H -
Printer crashes during autobedlevel procedure
by Daneasch ·#define CONFIGURATION_H -
Recherche firmware pour BL Touch sur carte Rumba
by Remix ·#define Z_PROBE_START_SCRIPT "M340 P0 S647" -
Recherche firmware pour BL Touch sur carte Rumba
by Repetier ·#define Z_PROBE_START_SCRIPT "M340 P0 S700" -
Filament Change issue with new Repetier Server version
Help getting #define MAX_JERK to stay in the printer
by NotFastEnuf ·firmware from the arduino project and updated #define MAX_JERK to 4.0, and changed acceleration as well Again no change when I view the Jerk value or Acceleration values in the printer configuration