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- BernieG
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Thank you ! Very interesting read, I'll test those fixes.
So easy ! Why I did not find this myself? Anyway, thanks so much.
Repetier said: As long as you don't have a bltouch M119 should show the right signal. bl touch only keeps it for 10ms so hard to get timing manually. Since it worked there is a failure in hardware I guess. If you have a multimeter, measure at…
Well, after investigating a bit more, I discover that, even if the led goes on, the signal does not reach the board, as even if the led is on, M119 still display Z state as L. Is it possible for this kind of probe to just die? I double checked all t…
Thank you, I appreciate the help. This gives me a good roadmap.
Thanks for your answer. No, I do 5 x 5 points. And yes, I have a number of problems, it does not seem always consistent. My probe is a LJC18A3-H-Z/BX which is capacitive, if I am not wrong. I followed the instructions here…
I forgot to say I had already done this. I solved this my lowering a little bit the probe. Still found it strange that it was only on some points
Repetier said: Just to be sure - you have NO z-min endstop and use z probe also as z-min right? Because that is how z min homing with z probe has to work. Yes, that's correct. I will try adding some bed coating.
Just wanted to let you know that Autolevel is now working perfectly well. I setup the bed better, so now I have less than 0.3 mm difference between extremes. I can see the Z motors moving a bit during long straight lines, so I see it's working. I s…
Repetier said: It first look it looks consistent and like a rotated bed, so exactly what it targets to correct. 0.6mm is much in the sense of could not print good without correction. It will also keep the z axis moving a lot. So also it now …
I disabled the SD Card already, but the rest is needed. I'll stay with 0.92.9 on that card for now.
Well, I believe I solved it, and report my findings here as it might be usefull to others: I went from 4 mm/s as probe speed to 2 mm/s. #define Z_PROBE_SPEED 2That's it! So, yes, it IS hardware related, it's just that, between the probe and the con…
- anet v1.0 board custom repetier/arduino-1.6.3/hardware/tools/avr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.8.1/.. /../../../avr/bin/ld.exe: region `text' overflowed by 2932 bytesDon't believe there is anything else I can remove. I would think the dev team has to work…
Still missing 4826 bytes... anet v1.0 board custom repetier/arduino-1.6.3/hardware/tools/avr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.8.1/../../../../avr/bin/ld.exe: region `text' overflowed by 4826 bytes
Yes, it is sanguino based. Thanks for your suggestion, I'll try that step by step.
Thanks for your answer. Is there a GCode command to disable the bed? Anyway, I will look how to do that, and hope it makes all the difference. I have not seen a way to make it less sensitive. If this does not work, would there be probes you would r…
Already checked that, only English is used.
Repetier said: From the output it surely makes no sense to have 6mm difference here. Question is why does firmware think this. Did it (a) go up 6mm after the last good measurement or (b) did it go down 6mm more then before? (a) would be an er…
Roko said: Your probing coordinates look odd based on your settings. Are your offsets correct? How did it print before using bed levelling?(just curious). I believe they are correct. I have been testing my bed centering, and adjusted off…
Thanks, I got it, I have been using G33 at last, and it seems to work well.
Thanks, did not realize that! So, is there a way to see the matrix built by G32?
Thank you! I have been able to make this work, finally! One of my mistake was that definition for the matrix points was totally wrong, so each time I was getting an error while doing a G32 measure. But now I have another question: I did a G32 measu…
Well, I have spent 2 days searching, redid a full configuration with the online tool, and I am still not getting what I expect! I am following this document ( as well as I can, but…
MartinH said: You can use the probe as the Z-min switch AND for z probing, no need for a Z-max switch. Thanks, I missed that. I'll check the config file more carefully, then. Bernard
I have found something, but I believe you need more than just the configuration.h file, as you also need the board definition, as it is not a standard Arduino Mega 2560.
Here is the last part on the server.log; if it can help you to see what's going on... 2017-06-02 17:06:26: LUA job rendering.render#{"id":1,"image":"C:\\ProgramData\\Repetier-Server\\printer\\Anet_A8_Orange\\jobs/00000001_Centering_Target_v2_l.png"…
The server stopped after ONE print! I am going to send you the GCode of that print, no idea if it is linked or not.
Removed all models from the folder, it restarted; Does it update the database from there? I'll continue to update you on what is happening, as I really want it to be reliable.
Well, I just printed ONE model, and the server stopped after it was done! Can't restart.
OK, I uploaded my printer XML file, after having copied the "printer" folder entirely, and it works, with all my models already in the server, so now I am going to try if everything is OK between Host, server, and printer. I'll add other parts later…