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For printing you should check the printer log when you disable easy mode. When it connects correctly printing should be no problem. It it does not work it is normally connection not working 100% e.g. port is there but wrong baud rate. Check also bot…
v4l2-ctl -l -d /dev/video0 will list available controls for your device.
Ok, yes old docs do not match and miss a lot of functions added since then:-)
From docs: server:registerActionCall Type: function(string action, callback f)->void Static: falseActions are the main method of starting actions from the frontend. Actions get send over the websocket and take a json payload and get a json respon…
There will be no more updates on CuraEngine 1.x and in 2.x the format/communication got incredible complicated so we can not support it. Please select PrusaSlicer for good results. This one is still in our update list and compatible.
Please redownload the AppImage. I have added a library that was missing. It is not libgdiplus but libtiff in version 5 while newer linux distros now have version 6 which did not fit. Worked on ubuntu 24.04 for me.
Please redownload the AppImage. I have added a library that was missing. It is not libgdiplus but libtiff in version 5 while newer linux distros now have version 6 which did not fit. Worked on ubuntu 24.04 for me.
Please redownload the AppImage. I have added a library that was missing. It is not libgdiplus but libtiff in version 5 while newer linux distros now have version 6 which did not fit. Worked on ubuntu 24.04 for me.
Gehe in der Druckerkonfiguration auf G-Codes->Ereignisabhängig->Sende bei Pause und trage ein was du willst. Da ist denke ich der move vorausgeführt den du nicht magst, kannst du aber durch alles ersetzen. Nur stehen bleiben ist schlecht weil …
No, they need images to work which is not done with g-code. For some you can home/move z with a serial connection but nothing more, so not much useful.
Will have a look at it for next release and try updating mono.
rs is defined already since server module is included first to offer predefined stuff. local log = {} is called in global scope so not sure if local does anything here. Main problem is your lua location I think. In the lua directory you add monito…
Please try installing the missing libgdiplus package. sudo apt update sudo apt install libgdiplus
Sieh mal in den Druckereinstellungen unter Allgemein->Verbindung->Zeige auf Drucker LCD Status Zeile ob das deaktiviert ist. Im Quellcode ist das die einzige Möglichkeit das zu beeinflussen solange eine IP vorhanden ist.
If you are using our image run repetier-setup and select showing mouse in touchscreen settings. On regular Raspbian OS desktop I'd assume the mouse to appear anyway when connected.
Looking back into previous post of ls -l I see your file is 18 bytes???? Should be 105374670 bytes long. Guess download did not work and what it now contains makes no sense. Try head ./Repetier-Server\ Monitor-1.4.7-armv7l.AppImage I think it con…
Das original Einsy board hat die Eigenart das usb immer sichtbar ist, auch wenn die Firmware nicht sichtbar ist. Evtl. ist das der Unterschied. IP wird 10 Sekunden nach Verbindungsaufbau gesendet. Hängt also von einer Bedingung ab und wenn er denkt …
Ok that is strange. File is there and chmod worked - I see the x flag. Can you try writing only part of ./Repetier-Server\ Monitor-1.4.7-armv7l.AppImage and then complete with tab key? Mybe a problem how you enterted the backslash to escape the sp…
Yes, web gui gets info from server which consumes the stream. So at least locally there is no problem to read all frames and gui queries next image on completition with one ahead to keep framerarte as high as possible. You bypass server and query s…
In GUI we have no standard stream, we read it internally and gui requests frame on receiving one. If in meantime there were multiple frames due to slow network they get dropped. With VLC you do it differently I think. Are you connecting to mjpg_str…
run ls -l to see if file is in current directory. Use cd foldername to switch between folders. And just to be sure do not enter "pi@RepetierServer:~ $" that is the prompt in my terminal, command starts after that. File: command not found - always m…
We are using CuraEngine 1.5 so the older one. Guess that is why you do not see the option. You can try included PrusaSlicer for more up to date options.
Bin schon dran. Wird in 1.5.0 kommen. Benötigt aber größere Umstellungen da es ganz anders funktioniert wie mit anderen Druckern.
./ at start of executeaböe means you must be in the folder where you downloaded the appimage into. Guess you were in home directory while file is probably in downloads folder of your browser?
The command should work on any linux with arm processor from terminal. So regular pi os should be fine as well. Important part is export DISPLAY=:0 to tell the monitor to display the windows. When called from window manager I'd assume it is set by …
Was hast du geändert? Hat sich die IP vom Server vielleicht geändert? Benutzer geändert?
Since we have no desktop I can not test it with clicking. When I open a terminal and run pi@RepetierServer:~ $ chmod 755 Repetier-Server\ Monitor-1.4.7-armv7l.AppImagepi@RepetierServer:~ $ export DISPLAY=:0pi@RepetierServer:~ $ ./Repetier-Server\ M…
Do you at least see the app starting? You must add the servers first so they will appear. Note that monitor is written to be used with keyboard when inputs are required. A virtual keyboard might work if you have one installed. But 99 percent work …
This is up to linux and we use standard pi distro. So any solution for pi will work, check e.g Looks like changing /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf with new fallback servers can do the trick.
Meine Meinung bei MJPG ist wegen der ineffizienten Komprimierung das es am besten ist die Framerate zu drosseln. Dann kann man auch eine gute Auflösung/Komprimierung wählen. Wichtig ist ja nur das man sieht was der Drucker macht und nicht es möglich…