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  • Was änderst du in der server.xml? Sobald man User hat akzeptiert der Server doch nur localhost als IP für den Touchscreen. Du solltest nie unsere version ändern, da die überschrieben wird. Wir lesen aber 3 versionen wenn sie existieren, siehe https…
  • Looks like the display is quite slow and probably it does not get all signals before they are changed. See ui.cpp where you have this function: void lcdWriteByte(uint8_t c, uint8_t rs) {#if false && UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN >= 0 // not really n…
  • ARM basierend auf Rochchip Prozessor, ca. 512MB ram, ext4 Dateisystem, Linux  4.19.111 Speicher könnte gerade so reichen für den Server, wenn er keine großen Sachen berechnen muss. Drucken ist vom Speicherverbrauch kein Problem, rendern der Bilder …
  • Is this a 20x4 character display or 128x64 pixel? Sounds like it gets data wrong and result is garbish. Only english letters are supported anyway. Make sure cable is ok and does not go close to heater/motor cables which can disturb display. Also try…
  • Make sure you have not MIXING_EXTRUDER selected - this means have all same time according to mixing ratio set. You want 3 pure extruders just sharing a heater.
  • Checking for updates should also show new version. But it requires internet connection of pi, which you should have if you can activate/deactivate server.
  • Ist das Linux debian basiert? Wie viel speicher ist da noch frei? free -h Da der Server selbst keine anhängigkeiten hat kann das durchaus möglich sein auf einem root system, dann braucht man keinen extra Rechner später. An der Kommunikation wird si…
  • Sincer we had this issue and you needed to reload page as only a message to show correct view was not send, my first question is if you are running latest version. I used it for some tests before release and it worked so maybe you are using the bugg…
  • Not during print. We need to know the g-code when we start. You can use the g-code editor and add the command to the code before you add print to queue. It already has a layer selector so you just need to add the line at the layer start. You can al…
  • Have you added an extruder in server configuration->tools? Only then you see also extruder temperatures next to the extruder icon or on the sidebar under temperatures.
  • Danke für das Angebot. Ich werde erst mal sehen wie weit ich so komme wenn ich MQTT Kommunikation mitschneide und vorhandene Lösungen ansehe. Aber wenn ich hänge werde ich mich melden.
  • @pauseNoCooldown just means server will not go in cooldown mode. We have no direct control of firmware except you configure it to not have it. Have a look here M302 to see cold extrusion settings.
  • That is strange - both use the same function. Did the temperature go down during pause? Firmware might ignore extrusion when nozzle is to cold.  And when it is automatically turned off by firmware this might go unnoticed. Server has also a cooldown …
  • Ok, just checked the code and M190 in the end calls TemperatureController::waitForTargetTemperature() to wait for temperature. That function does not support hysterersis, just waits to reach the temperature.
  • Add  @pause and server will be responsible and stop sending until you hit continue on server. This will not use rrf pause methods. You might want to define a pause script or modify the existing one in server gcode event configuration.
  • TEMP_HYSTERESIS is the temperature range you must be insde. The duration to hold is defined e.g. by EXT0_WATCHPERIOD. Eventually it also settable in eeprom settings.
  • Not on the left side. There is already an option to move printers there especially if you have multiple printers on one server. Plus that it only makes sense in that one case which is only working on wide screens not mobile for example, but I unders…
  • This happens when printers do not reset on connection start. Some do. So the question is if it works afterwards or not. If not most likely port or baudrate are wrong.
  • z.b. im Verzeichnis /etc/sudoers.d in der Datei folgenden Eintrag hinzufügen repetierserver ALL=NOPASSWD: /var/lib/Repetier-Server/scripts/ Ich nehme an hat rechte a und x gesetzt (chmod 755 Dateiname) und erste Zeile ist #!/bin/bash…
  • You can run multiple klipper instances in parallel if you use our installer. They are separated independent installations. Klipper runs on the pi and printer. CPU intensive stuff on pi, io stuff and stepper control on printer board Also marlin in ad…
  • You are using a board where ORIG_E2_DIR_PIN is not defined hence the compile errors. Use digital pin number instead if it is not in board definition or select correct board if that is the reason it did not exist. With SHARED_EXTRUDER enabled same h…
  • ^M900 K(\d\.?\d*) would match it and @1 holds the number of K part as it is in first group ()
  • I see 2 things. Problem onw seem 2024-03-24 02:35:15: (B1) Ender-3 Max - H2: syslog:  [  251.488734] ch341-uart ttyUSB0: usb_serial_generic_read_bulk_callback - urb stopped: -32 which might be the reason you get communication issues. Then you have u…
  • Ja scripte werden als user repetierserver ausgeführt. Als test ab es klappen kann in der Oberfläche sudo -i sudo -u repetierserver Befehl ausführen, dann sieht man wo das Problem ist. Am besten das Skript im vorgesehen Ordner /var/lib/Repetier-Serv…
  • Steht alles unter /var/lib/Repetier-Server und dann für die Dateien weiter printer//models
  • FlashForge does use proprietary firmware which is not compatible. And telnet in the way we perform is without user/password (so not exactly telnet). Password is in case the firmware has set a password and requires no user for that reason. So main pr…
  • Not as you think but 2 solutions: 1. Dummy printer - user serial and select serial cartesian as port which is a virtual printer for testing. So this can be active. 2. Printers can have multiple cameras (pro version) so assign all printers a second c…
  • You need to manually define it as described in in /boot/firmware - Bypass the Wi-Fi configuration through Repetier-Server.  If a file "/boot/firmware/ManualWifi.conf"  exists, we will copy this file for Wi-Fi configuration and prevent mod…
  • On our pi you can run installDev to update to latest dev version. For nightly builds run installRepetierNightly For other linux versions see They only have nightly build which is dev ju…
  • Our software is not open source. We just publish api and interface sources so you can modify the interfaces or add solutions to it. Soo doc page on homepage for api and sources. > And is there a recommended way for version control and handling c…