Missed Lines / Stuttering during print
I keep getting a "Warning: Missed line detected - correcting buffer usage." message every few seconds. Also during printing, the printer stops sometimes for 1-2 seconds and then continues. This mostly seems to happen when printing circles. I have tried different baud rates (115200 and 230400) but nothing changed. I also noticed that the temperature is displayed wrong sometimes, I guess this is also due to the missed lines, for example Repetier-Server displays 2000°C instead of 200°C.
I am currently running Repetier-Server 0.70.1 and Repetier-Firmware 0.92.8 or 0.92.9 on a Arduino Mega and RAMPS 1.4.
Here is a log. The printer was idling and I sent @debugcon at the end.
With circles this is normally a different issue - if you have many small line segments usb might be not fast enough for the overprecise model. If you have ping pong disabled in com settings you can expect to be able to send around 300 lines per second - at least with Repetier-Server, host may differ depending on object size. Some printers can go faster, but that depends on printer board and if it uses real usb or usb serial conversion on printer side.
Anhow assume 300l/s means a circle with 100mm/s printed must have segment sizes > 0.33mm or you can not keep that speed. So printer suddenly needs to wait for moves getting slower, getting some accelerating and so on. That is what can cause quality issues if line length on average mismatches move speed and sending speed.