Z Sensors
Usually when I use my printer3D, I have a capacitive sensor set on the heated bed, it is declared on the ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Z_MIN.
I would like to use a other sensor (just a switch) when I use CN as CNC Milling, is't possible without deconnect the capacitive sensor ?
and how to declare in firmware on a other pin?
and how to declare in firmware on a other pin?
This sensor will always be higher (placed on the part) and used with G30 H (xx) R (xx).
Best regards
Best regards
Alternatively you need to find all usages of the pin (there are not so many) and switch based on the printer mode.
Usage seems correct. You say object hit by z probe is H=20mm height and there it should assume z=0 so that you can go down until Z=-20. Being back I'd expect to see a value around 80mm on lcd.
So starting from that what does lcd show for Z after G30?
How does this work? I mean where do you home as I do not see the move to the object. If you do not hit the object with height 20mm you can go through the bed.
After the M114:
X:0 Y:0 Z:NAN E:0
So even though it's perfectly detecting the piece, Z does not seem to have memorized the value...
I'm using firmware 1.0.3, do you want the full Configuration.h?
Can you show log for simple G30 and your G30 including all ack/command messages. Maybe I get an idea where it comes from. Also check eeprom - I guess one of the z probe related variables is not defined good and has NaN in eeprom causing this.
V2 actual:
Motion1::g92Offsets[Z_AXIS] = o - h;
Motion1::currentPosition[Z_AXIS] = z + h + Motion1::minPos[Z_AXIS];
Motion1::setAxisHomed(Z_AXIS, true);
Motion1::g92Offsets[Z_AXIS] = z + o - h;
Motion1::g92Offsets[Z_AXIS] -= Motion1::currentPosition[Z_AXIS] ;
Motion1::setAxisHomed(Z_AXIS, true);
Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS] = Printer::lastCmdPos[Z_AXIS] = z + h + Printer::zMin;
Printer::coordinateOffset[Z_AXIS] = z + o - h;
Printer::coordinateOffset[Z_AXIS] -= Printer::currentPosition[Z_AXIS];
G1 F1000 Z5 ; the axis goes to the new Z5 display LCD = Z:105
About G30:
After G30 H20 R0, now the display LCD no longer shows Z0, but Z100 and still not 80.
and always Z: NAN X: 0 Y: 0
G0 or G1 has no action
The Eeprom:
Thanks for your help !
I exported the content, see post from 5:15Pm ... I'm not see anormal anything...
I use the 1.0.3 version.
I have tested in FFF and CNC mode, it's same...
Thanks for your help
Ok for z_max, I tested the 3 points as soon as I'm at home.
I'm looking at this more precisely as soon as I'm at home and I'll say
Not finding a solution, I executed M500 and I imported a backup of Eeprom, things worked out.
Finally, I think that's what repaired everything...
Now, any values displayed in CNC mode are correct with G32, G30 Hxx Rxx
Everything seems to work for the moment except the G33 L0 and R0 return this:
Is the syntax incorrect?
Is there an 'M' command for setting Z_PROBE_Z_OFFSET et Z_PROBE_HEIGHT ?
I thank you for your help that will allow me to use my machine in FFF et CNC mode...and perhaps in laser a bit later
I usually use the machine with only the SD.
I wish I could set these values temporarily via the Gcode file generated by the post pro.
I was thinking of implementing a custom M code to do it ...
as such as :
Is't correct and possible ?
But as I want to keep the initial value in Eeprom (corresponding to FFF mode) ...