G32 S2 Crashing in the rightmost part of the printer
Hello, could you please explain me how to set the P1,P2,P3 points in autobed leveling ? It's working fine untill it reaches the last 4 point which crash the extruder in the right part of the printer, even if i could not replicate it using manual control.
My bed is 22x22 and almost no space left on the right part of the printer... My home position is X -35 on the left part of the bed.
Ps : repetier fw 1.0.5
My bed is 22x22 and almost no space left on the right part of the printer... My home position is X -35 on the left part of the bed.
Ps : repetier fw 1.0.5
P1 is left fron edge, p2 and p3 are right fron and left far end. If not they span not a rectangluar and you gat what you describe. These 3 point define a parallelogram not a rectangle! And only that condition and that p2.y is p1.y and p3.x is p1.x make it a rectangle as you expect it.
Edited the P points as you said and i absolutely love it !!! Perfect bed leveling !!!!