motor de-energizes
I have a rumba32. I was able to get firmware uploaded but on my test setup when I move the motor it de-energizes and when I kill motor power it energizes. I also wonder if my controller reprapdiscount gldc is supported because nothing happened there.
But maybe you are not using Repetier-Firmware?
where is this file?
The _INVERTED inverts the output logic as you need it.
Double letters - you have probably selected 2 serial devices and both are the same?
Tried compiling Delta Rumba sample. Except a small compile bug that I fixed it worked.
Make sure platformio.ini has
Required framework should install automatically. Sometimes you need to clean compilation especially when switching targets that seems to sometimes confuse compiler.
If it still exists please post full error message. I even have no buildroot/boardfiles/rumba32/stm32f4xx - that should be part of the stm32 compiler suite under different name. Make sure to use latest git commit.
Do you have
so only one serial is active? As that is the only reason at the moment I can think of why it happens.