Unstopable hot-end ?

Hello, i was a happy user of an RF1000 and Repetierhost 2.1.3 until my hotend died.
Then i replaced it by another hotend:
If i start heating with the manual control of Repetier-Host, the temperature overshoots and must be disabled manually to prevent overheating!
On the RF1000 display is set 190°C, but it heats endless!
If i start heating via the RF1000 display, everything works fine.
I have never seen that before!


  • The repetier heat bed control is working as usual.
    But not the hot end. Restarted RF1000, PC, Repetier, ...
    I tried a lot (load from EPROM) but nothing helps.
    The RF1000 is working, the Repetier software not.  :-(
  • I found it!
    The hot end ist to fast for the Repetier-Host!
    It overshoots continuously with up to 60°C!
    Maybe the resistance is wrong? I will reduce the current and it will work.
  • I found it!
    The hot end ist to fast for the Repetier-Host!
    It overshoots continuously with more than 30°C.

    The RF1000 uses a 24V hot end.
    My hot end seems to be for 12 V.
    I put a 12 V 50 W bulb in a row and it worked perfect
    (tomorrow i will order a 24V heat element).
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