Even being correct, activating z-probe would lead to forbidden xy position

My sensor is behind the hotend and to the right of it. so I have configured it that way, but nevertheless, it throws me "Error: the activation of the probe z would result in a prohibited position and x: -39.000000, 17.00" when x is positive in my configuration.

In the code from "BedLeveling.cpp" line 516, I can see that "Printer :: currentPosition [X_AXIS]" is zero. therefore, "Printer :: currentPosition [X_AXIS] - ZPOffsetX" = -39

the only but wrong way I found to make it work was setting offset_x to 0, and probe_x to 0. Can you help me? below I leave a copy of my configuration.


#define Z_PROBE_X_OFFSET 39
#define Z_PROBE_Y_OFFSET -21
#define Z_PROBE_SPEED 3
#define Z_PROBE_XY_SPEED 100
#define Z_PROBE_HEIGHT 1.1
#define Z_PROBE_DELAY 0
#define Z_PROBE_START_SCRIPT "M340 P0 S700"
#define Z_PROBE_FINISHED_SCRIPT "M340 P0 S1500"
#define Z_PROBE_X1 45
#define Z_PROBE_Y1 15
#define Z_PROBE_X2 190
#define Z_PROBE_Y2 15
#define Z_PROBE_X3 45
#define Z_PROBE_Y3 200


  • Not sure about X  but if the probe is behind (towards back) of nozzle then Y offset should be positive,
    #define Z_PROBE_Y_OFFSET 21
  • Also being right to extrude rmeans when you activate it the head must move 39mm to the left so probe is where nozzle was before. If you do that at x=0 you need to go to x=-39 which is outside your configured area I guess.
  • Sorry but i can't upload the pic.
    There is my machine: https://imgur.com/a/mqJQmOo

    MartinH, sorry but I expressed poorly.
    In the photo, the hotend is approximately at x100: y70 therefore, the 3dtouch is at x139: y49 as I understand.
    And my Home x position is at left.

    I do not understand this "If you do that at x=0 you need to go to x=-39 which is outside your configured area I guess." My Z-probe x1,x2,x3  > 45 mm. Why would it go to x = 0?
  • It activates z probe at start of G32 so if you just homed you are at x=0, also measuring probe points would work. Go to bed center when you start G32 or G33 and you should not have that problem. If you home using z probe use order with preheat so you can set a probe point.
  • Repetier said:
    If you home using z probe use order with preheat so you can set a probe point.
    it was that! Is this documented somewhere? because I could not find this detail in another place.
  • Maybe not. Docs are old. For the V2 firmware I'm writing new docs with more informations, also V2 will have more automatic fixes for leveling.
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