Hotend is always 13°C to Hot
Hey Ho,
i just setup a new printer, first time Repetier to try the features.
Everything went smooth so far accept one weird problem.
The Hotend always stays 13°C to hot O_o
The Temperature drift itself is perfect, +-0,5°
I set the Temp via Octoprint to 70° it goes to 83°, i set it to 90° it goes to 103°
I tried the temp offset from Octoprint, no difference, always 13° to hot U_u
Any Ideas?
I tried PID Autotune to 200°C but it turns of after 1-2 tries with a Errormessage "Hotend to Hot"

i just setup a new printer, first time Repetier to try the features.
Everything went smooth so far accept one weird problem.
The Hotend always stays 13°C to hot O_o
The Temperature drift itself is perfect, +-0,5°
I set the Temp via Octoprint to 70° it goes to 83°, i set it to 90° it goes to 103°
I tried the temp offset from Octoprint, no difference, always 13° to hot U_u
Any Ideas?
I tried PID Autotune to 200°C but it turns of after 1-2 tries with a Errormessage "Hotend to Hot"

What I wonder is your limit of PID Max to 128. If you use 24V on 12V elements the limit is 64. Power = I^2 * R and I = U/R so voltage influence is squared!
Would be helpful here to also see output over time in graph to see what firmware is doing here. I think your drive min of 40 is too much in your case. That is for heaters that go to 255. Yours is maybe 10.
I'm using both 12V Bed and Hotend, but just 1/2 the power output so you are right in using 64 as Max PID *Shame*
And the last bit was the important part
"PID drive min" lowering to 10 was still to much U_u got within 3°C with that... I'm at 8 now and it is spot on
so after 4 Rounds of PID Autotune I'm within 0,2° idle at 200° and within 0.5° Printing