Melzi board with RepRapDiscount display not supported in 1.0.2
I can install R-F 0.92, but not 1.0.2. In 1.0,2, for FEATURE_CONTROLLER==CONTROLLER_REPRAPDISCOUNT_GLCD // 11, there is no support for Melzi (MOTHERBOARD == 63), so DisplayList.h defaults to RAMPS pins and compile fails. In fact, a careful examination of DisplayList.h shows that the only supported display for Melzi is Zonestar! Has anyone got a Melzi using any other display. If you've got something working for CONTROLLER_REPRAPDISCOUNT_GLCD, please post details here.
Ooh, and how I hate nested #if statements, especially with buggy code. I am totally confused by the 'structure' for handling FEATURE_CONTROLLER==CONTROLLER_REPRAPDISCOUNT_GLCD in DisplayList.h, and I strongly suspect something is seriously amiss with the logic. However, it is beyond my experience to decide what options apply to any of the hardware because I am totally unfamiliar with most of them. I can probably hack it to make it work for my situation, but I have no hope for a tidy, well-coded solution for all the combinations of hardware ever made (or likely to be made). Anyone up for a challenge?