Trouble with steps/mm settings
For last few days i have been trying to adjust my printer, but for some reason every time I cahnge stepss per mm count it does nothing.
I am using custom printer driven by M8 rods and even with 12000+ (given by calculation) steps per mm it only moves few mm, same as before(2560,3200,4200).
I don't know what to with it. I know it's unusual printer, but something would change with these settings, or have I made mistake in Repetier host?
I must also metion that behavior of X and Y are the same, but Z even more slower does even less moves.
Eeeprom was enabled from start and setting were applied with each firmware flash.
Lenght was set in firmware configurator, but I don't see that option in printer menu.
Settings from last flash are there so that is right.
I don't get that part with Z-it's the same setup as X and Y-same motors,same rod, same steps per mm,same acc-why would it go slower? Is any part of firmware disabling fast movement of Z?
I can get good feedrate on X and Y-300 and they have no problem doing that, but as I said before-it refuses to move exact number of mm. I measured that X moved 1,64 mm for 50 mm command with any feedrate setting.
Using formula for steps per mm (N=N*lenght in command/lenght moved) I got 128048 with previous stepps per mm 4200.
Last night I reverted to original 2560 and it's same.
I tried to do something about this situation and results are weird.
Using normal settings for M8 threaded rod (1/16, 2560 steps) I olaced jumpers on ramps and tied 1/81 1/4 and even half step. With half step I achieved 12 mm move for 50 mm command in Repetier host. Also, funny thing 75 mm/s for hlaf step is as fast as 300 mm/s for 1/16.
Also, Z motors now doesn't want to move at all-they have stanrd settings and jumpers.
So, what is the problem? Is is the host issue or this firmware is just no good for this type of printer?
As I mention I tried default settings for all axes, but I can't get decent moves unless I bump the speed and acceleration.
X and Y are also driven by M8 rods.
I tried numerous settings but nothing works. Does Repetier firmware have problems with DRV8825?
I just tested Marlin firmware with Repetier host and everything is working fine with my settings.
So, the error is in Repetier firmware.
I did it and it improved, but only a little bit. Should I put it 2?
Also, what to input in Repetier host Travel feed Rate and Z-Axis Feed Rate? I think that also could be a problem.
It took me some time to get it sorted out, but it failed again.
Only thing I got was uber slow movement.
Nothing is set wrong. As I said, Marlin is working fine with same settings.
Repetier firmware is not working even with everything reduced. HW is working perfectly and all is tested.
Every setting I did to Repetier FW was inside the configurator-each new setting was new FW download and flash.
Do you want me to upload FW so you can check it?
Eeprom is enabled.
AS I said (and I can wote it 50 more times)-I tested varoius settings-my own calculations, your recommendation adn even below you recommendation and Repetier FW is NOT working-but Marlin is.
Why? I don't know.
Sorry for late response, but I really don't have time to write about this topic anymore.
Here are my settings,please check them and tell me if something is wrong:
It is a bug in the firware.. affecting only Z-axis (it appears that parameters in Configuration.h are not taken into account later).
Anyway the eeprom_mode parameter was the key. The issue is correctly mentioned in the introduction as the "eeprom trap"
in code - Configurations you try change in
################# Misc. settings ##################
#define EEPROM_MODE 0
and start working commands
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ ↓↓
#define XAXIS_STEPS_PER_MM 160
#define YAXIS_STEPS_PER_MM 160
#define ZAXIS_STEPS_PER_MM 8000
I have home made 3d printer style prusa i3 built from components from ebay.
Ramps 1.4 + arduino 2560 mega + DRV8825+ Display Reprap discout full graphic smart controller.......
Jumpers on board ramps all 1/32
Now all working.