DEV: Probe start script
In my config, i put in "Probe start script" this:
G1 Z3\nG28 X Y\nG1 X100 Y100\nG28 Z\nG1 Z3
The behavior I want is as follows;
1- Lift the carriage 3mm upwards (avoid hitting anything before homing)
2- homing X and Y
3- Move the carriage in the middle of the table
4- homing Z
5- Lift the carriage 3mm upwards (not to have the inductive sensor active before auto leveling)
6 - starts the auto leveling process
It turns out that it is looped in G28 X Y and does not pass this.
In the stable version it works.
Any tips on how to work around this problem?
'z up, x,y,preheat z' and set pre raise z = allways
using dev version of firmware