Teacup firmware + UNO compatibility
Tech specification :
AMD 4 core , 8G Ram
Ubuntu 16.04 (x64)
Repetier-Host 1.6.2 or Repetier-Host 2
slicer : slicer 1.9
i am building a small 3d printer with based in teacup firmware and after i finish it i started to make print tests (without any filament... just to test moves etc )
The problem is i am getting lot of times an error : communication timeout - reset time buffer block
i have try lot of baudrate speeds to fix that but nothing changed
also when i start the print the Repetier-Host shows in the print-jop progress window that the print is a way further than really it is
also most of the times after a while the speed of the print become very very very slow
these were problems that had with cura slicer that i am using mostly for my normal printer i have but as it has no option for teacup firmware i try to work with slic3r.. but have the same problems
i am using and pronterface to make the tests and had no one of the above there... printer worked fine..
is any setting that havent take in count and have these problems or there is 100% compatible the host with the teacup firmware yet ?
AMD 4 core , 8G Ram
Ubuntu 16.04 (x64)
Repetier-Host 1.6.2 or Repetier-Host 2
slicer : slicer 1.9
i am building a small 3d printer with based in teacup firmware and after i finish it i started to make print tests (without any filament... just to test moves etc )
The problem is i am getting lot of times an error : communication timeout - reset time buffer block
i have try lot of baudrate speeds to fix that but nothing changed
also when i start the print the Repetier-Host shows in the print-jop progress window that the print is a way further than really it is
also most of the times after a while the speed of the print become very very very slow
these were problems that had with cura slicer that i am using mostly for my normal printer i have but as it has no option for teacup firmware i try to work with slic3r.. but have the same problems
i am using and pronterface to make the tests and had no one of the above there... printer worked fine..
is any setting that havent take in count and have these problems or there is 100% compatible the host with the teacup firmware yet ?
Only known problem is that teacup seems to omit spaces in temp. response so you do not see current temperature unless you fix teacup as describe in a recent post here.
If you have communication problems the "ok" might be received "k" or "o" or something else and not detected.
You might try enabling ping pong mode so communication is serial as in pronterface and not trying to send several commands in the buffer.