Menu get stuck
Hi everyone,
im using the Repetier-Firmware for a long time on my Prusa Mendel. For my new build i want to add a display (16*2 to my printer. At the moment im getting used to the display menu but sometimes i cant reach the higher menu again (only the main menu after the 30 sec waiting period).
For example: everytime i go to Bed coating -> Kapton i cant to anything, only wait for 30 sec. Other menues have the same problem too. Can you help my to solve this problem?
Im using Repetier 0.92.9, Ramps 1.4.2 and Arduino Mega.
Greetings Chris
im using the Repetier-Firmware for a long time on my Prusa Mendel. For my new build i want to add a display (16*2 to my printer. At the moment im getting used to the display menu but sometimes i cant reach the higher menu again (only the main menu after the 30 sec waiting period).
For example: everytime i go to Bed coating -> Kapton i cant to anything, only wait for 30 sec. Other menues have the same problem too. Can you help my to solve this problem?
Im using Repetier 0.92.9, Ramps 1.4.2 and Arduino Mega.
Greetings Chris
Thank you for your quick support! I tried why you mentioned and nothing happend. Actually it was 1 when i look it up, i changed it to 0 and uploaded it: the back option was still there in the menus. I changed it multiple times now but i doesnt change anything.
Another way to freeze the menu is quick settings -> change filament -> (rotating) -> press encoder -> stuck in quick settings menu.
One honest questioin: At the moment the ramps board is not connected to anything. Im just trying to get used to display and make it work. Can the fact that is is not connecet do hardware lead to this problems?