g32 s2 misconfig?



  • Hi, I got the configuration.h working from https://www.repetier.com/firmware/dev/index.php
    But what do I do with the configuration.h file? When I go to local disk > program files > repetier-host, I can't find a configuration.h file already there to replace it with.
    I tried downloading the latest repetier and I also could not find in that folder in program files either
    I'm on windows 8 if it makes a difference
  • Update:
    I realised that the configuration.h is supposed to be flashed to the eeprom lol - such a noob...
    Anyway when I try flashing it with the Arduino program, it flashes successfully but for some reason the extruder will only move down and not up - homing it does nothing and prints crash straight into the bed.

    The only way I can fix it is to flash it using the HEX file (I'm following this: http://wiki.bootsindustries.com/wiki/Getting_started_with_the_BI_V2.5#Step_6:_Firmware_.28Critical.21.29)
    But then I can't enable the distortion map because I can't change configuration.h

    I've tried using both the vendor version of repetier (v0.91) and the latest version of repetier (standard) with both combinations of the new 'complete firmware' option from https://www.repetier.com/firmware/dev/index.php after enabling distortion mapping, aswell as selecting 'switch to 0.91' to go to https://www.repetier.com/firmware/v091/index.php and trying that firmware

    All of them do the same thing which is to not move the extruder up and won't home and keeps crashing etc
  • Check M119 output. It should return all endstops L if you are not at the top and H when endstop is triggered. If they are configured the other way around it will prevent homing up and later only go down with wrong height.

    Also be aware that flashing new firmware (you write with arduino ide to flash not eeprom) the settings in eeprom may be defect as you are switching forth and back between different sets of data. 
    would copy configuration.h data to eeprom.

    From config tool download complete zip so you have all matching files needed to compile and always open the Repetier.ino file. config file is just one part of firmware.
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