[0.92.8, Delta] ENDSTOP_(X|Y|Z)_BACK_MOVE reduces Z_MAX_LENGTH
Maybe a bug, but maybe just not well documented: When ENDSTOP_(X|Y|Z)_BACK_MOVE is non zero, it will reduce Z_MAX_LENGTH by an appropriate amount in Deltas. If it is not a bug, may I propose to document this behaviour in the Firmware configurator? Something in the way like "This will reduce your total build height, i.e. Z_MAX_LENGTH" would be enough.
Btw: If I may add, after homing and moving to G1 Z-ENDSTOP_(X|Y|Z)_BACK_MOVE, an G1 X0 Y0 (or G1 X X_MIN_POS Y Y_MIN_POS) would be appropriate to compensate for Delta's Tower Endstop offset settings.