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  • Hey alexsomesan, sorry for the very late reply. In the meanwhile my board is working. There were a couple of issues that combined to one big problem in the beginning. For those having similar problems, please read this post carefully:The screenshot…
  • I read the whole thread including the one on Git. I am going to participate a bit int the code project as I was working on this stuff for while anyway. I solved the problem in the meanwhile. The problem was the first driver was initialized properly,…
  • PCK1 seems not to be the problem. I deactivated it and used the SilentStepStip TMC2130. Still the same result. I also used a regular Arduino Due and connected the SilentStepStip TMC2130 to it. Still the same result on the SPI bus. There must be some…
  • 3didd said: hi, sorry to jump in.. why would you use SPI over I2C I2C handles collisions and bus much better. Not sure if I understand your question? Why I am using SPI instead of I2C?
  • Thanks for the info. I also came to the conclusion that the software SPI is going to be the best solution as it's still fast enough and communication is only at the beginning and never during printing.  I will keep this thread updated...
  • - I could connect 3 slaves on SPI0 and 2 slaves on SPI1. I alter the SPI code in HAL.h and HAL.cpp and add SPI1. When transmitting anything via the SPI-class I need to distinguish by the driver number which SPI to use. Therefore this would be a …
  • Awesome, thank you very much! So for everyone who's interested: First step send as action "setLoglevel" --> take care of the typo! with payload: {"printer":"3DPrinterV2","level":4} --> replace "3DPrinterV2" with your printer's slug Maybe you…
  • I am not a 100% sure if I get you right:- Creating own modules with the module system API (which requires Pro Version) is possible. - Regarding your last sentence: Does it refer to the Web API or also on the module API? If it does refer to the Web A…
  • Thanks a lot for your help! I expected something like that.....I am gonna buy a display and try it out. Shouldn't make anymore problems then I guess. Till then, best regardsStefan