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  • Just got the open source Marlin.  It's RAMPS 1.3.  Hoping I can get Repetier working on it better than Marlin.
  • Step/mm are 80/80/400.  I upped acceleration to 1000 on x/y and max jerk to 20.  It seemed to help a little so I upped acceleration to 2000 and jerk to 25 but it did not seem to help any more. My 32 bit board has all acceleration at 300, x/y jerk a…
  • Jerk was up to 1.2 from 0.3 on the Z axis and 8 on X/Y and acceleration is up to 300 from 150 on the Z axis.  Acceleration was always 300 on X/Y.  No matter what I did the X/Y would always completely stop then instantly start again at height 0.2mm. …
  • I built a core xy with a 32bit board and when I do G33 it does the same thing but a lot smoother.  I copied the jerk and acceleration from that one to this printer and it did not help at all.  I bumped my Z jerk to 2.0 and it still didn't help at al…
  • My bed is definitely NOT flat lol.  I can home in the center of my bed and all 4 corners are lower.  I tried manually leveling the bed by starting in one corner then going around the edges then I did a 9x9 grid on G32 and G33. I tried upping the Z …
  • If I only G33 there is no bad area, just stuttering. I increased z speed to 10 mm/s and it does not help at all.  I would have to manually edit my gcode to slow x/y movement to 40 mm/s on layers below 1mm.  Even then it pauses every 10mm but the je…
  • Here is what I have so far. If I just do G33 all areas of the bed print perfect on the first layer, but I get stuttering when the nozzle is traveling (not actually printing).  If I slow the print to 40 mm/s max travel speed then the stuttering is n…
  • I finally got around to enabling distortion correction and doing a G33.  After that my printer cannot move smoothly any more.  Moving in one direction it will stutter until it gets to its destination.  I disabled distortion correction and reset EEPR…
  • G33 may be what I need because my bed is definitely not flat lol.  I'll try that and see.  I thought G32 and turning on autocorrect would account for that.  I do see the Z steppers moving a tiny amount when moving across the bed in a print so I thou…
  • Auto bed level is on and even though I see the z steppers moving as it lays the first layer down it will not lay the first layer level.  I spent a couple of hours leveling and testing and adjusting and when I did G32 and all 4 corners were within 0.…
  • I finally got it!  #define Z_PROBE_BED_DISTANCE 10 is what fixed my issues with auto bed leveling.  This was misleading to me on the web site because it says "[mm] = Max. distance to go back for next test".  I did not realize this was the setting fo…
  • I got the illegal position error so I reduced my Y axis size so Y 0 will actually be 35mm into the y axis.  I'll lose some print area, but I've never needed the entire 300mm area anyway lol.   The only problem I have now is when I use G32 the probe…
  • That did it as far as homing. The nozzle went to X 150 Y150 then moved forward 60 mm and the BLTouch was at X 150 and Y150. Now when I do G32 it puts the nozzle where it wants to probe then moves the bed so the probe is where it needs to be then it…
  • Ok I had to make a minor correction.  My y min is -25 but I put -65.  I also set ENDSTOP_Y_BACK_ON_HOME 0 so it will still know where Y 0 should be.  That is why my nozzle moved back more than it should have before.  The offset is still not being us…
  • I just updated my firmware and it is still sending the nozzle back 60mm instead of forward 60 mm.  The offset is being acknowledged now, but in the wrong direction. Here is me new configuration.h file.  Can you identify why my offset is backward? …
  • I have version 1.0.3.  Guess I will be updating today  I'll keep you posted.  Thanks!
  • Now I have some interesting data!  That seemed to help, but when I use G28 instead of the nozzle being at Y 90 and the probe at Y 150 where firmware said it should be it did the opposite and put the nozzle at 210 where the probe used to be.  I set m…
  • Trying something else that MartinH made me think of.  If Y min is 0 and the probe offset is Y 60 then it would never reach that and could possibly negate all probe offset settings.  My bed will go to Y -30 so I set that in firmware and auto bed leve…
  • When I home all (G28) it homes X then Y then goes to the middle and homes Z with the nozzle at X 150 Y 150 (not the probe) then goes to X 0, Y 0, Z 0.  If I then do G30 it just homes Z where it currently is and does not move the X or Y axis. This i…
  • sorry, I misunderstood.  I'll test that now.  Thanks!
  • When I told it to home Z it homed X and Y then put the nozzle right at 150,150 and dropped the probe, but the probe was at Y 210.
  • I already have homing order and temp set as I home in the middle of the bed.  That does not even home where the probe is in the middle of the bed, it homes where the nozzle is in the middle of the bed. I understand that y-50 would be illegal if I d…
  • I reset EEPROM every time I upload firmware.  The only thing I ever change in EEPROM is PID values and Z-probe height and the next time I upload a firmware I put those same values in the configuration.h file and reset firmware when I upload.  I just…
  • Ok that answered my question.  Mixing extruder was way above that in the firmware so I didn't see it and forgot to set it to 1.  Thanks again for your timely and awesome help! Most of my issues are simple things that I just miss by accident.  So m…
  • Just to close this out, I thought both of the other printers were set to Marlin by default so I assumed this one was too.  It was not.  This fixed it.  Thanks!
  • I thought we selected Marlin but I’ll verify. I know we tried all RTS/DTR settings as per a different post about a similar issue. Thanks for the tips.  I know it has to be something simple since the older CR10s works.
  • That's a good test.  I'll see what happens.  I may also see if it does it when I unplug the BLtouch.  I may just need to use an external source for my BLtouch power.  Thanks!
  • Nice!  Thanks!  She'll be so thrilled.  She found an old USB cam in a pile of scraps and wanted to use it.  
  • Yea I figured out the G92 part.  For z hop I would need to look closer at the gcode since Simplify 3D controls that and not firmware.  I just need to make sure there is a E command after the last Z command.  If so it is on a printing layer and not a…
    in Print Rescue Comment by opy01 July 2019
  • Found it.  In theory G92 Z40.150 should have told the printer that it was currently at Z40.150 without homing.  That is if the printer was not in the middle of a z hop when the power went out.
    in Print Rescue Comment by opy01 July 2019