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  • Dang-it, I fixed it...right after I posted this message, so typical . The problem was the ufw firewall in Kubuntu...I needed to add the range of IP address with the /24.  I originally used just a single IP....but it is working correctly now....I l…
  • I have the same question? I seem to be having connection issues with the LK5Pro. I did print with success on 2 occassions, now nothing....Repetier Server will no longer connect to the Rep-Server version is .93.0, I am running on a lin…
  • Repetier said: Not sure if using host on pi is clever. It has high resource usage. You might use it on a pc with server connector. > however when I attempt to set the Printer up in RepetierServer I can not get past the area where you plug…
  • Repetier said: So you use the pis as remote connection. Well that is exactly why you can run server on them as well:-) In theory the powered usb is a help if it has enough power. Regular usb 2 must allow 500mA so a 8 port active usb must del…
  • Thank you for the quick response, concerning the Rpi, I was using that device to connect to the server via TCP/IP, my printers are primarily Creality Ender 3 v1 and Ultimaker 2EXT's . because the creality or ultimaker boards  do not have RJ45 connec…