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- Zogar
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I fear that so many changes at once may cause the first versions of Repetier to be unstable. Nowadays, I believe we have a very robust software. I haven't had any issues for months—10 machines, 2 RPis, and not a single crash. We know what happens w…
With this error, prints continued on printers that were already started, about 4 hours later the system completely crash and prints stopped. The printers were left with the hotend and bed on (a little dangerous, but at working temperature).
When will those of us who don't use bambulab have a new version of Repetier Server?
Creality k1 family uses Klipper in the background. can't either?
In the Gcode list of the project I cant. They are sorted by name. https://ibb.co/Qcg4CGk
STM32CubreProgrammer says Start Addres: 0x08000000
Klipper 0.12 Python3 always fails ###### Updating python virtual environment ###### /tmp/klipperInstaller.sh: line 143: virtualenv: command not found Only works if you... Install Klipper 0.12 Python2 and fail..., then retry Klipper 0.12 Python2 and…
Solved with sudo -icd /optrm -r klipper from: https://forum.repetier.com/discussion/11473/printer-deletion-failed-undefined
Same problem here. Im trying to install klipper but this fails and now cant delette printers. Printer Deletion Failed Undefined. [21.02.2024 00:51:45] : Handling action 'getKlipperStatus' caused error boost::filesystem::directory_iterator::construc…
Flash menu icon doesn't show every time. Why?
The problem seems to ocurr when I edit some files and then I try to re-edit recently edited files. Same file, updated and not updated in Firefox Vs Repetier Server Monitor. https://youtube.com/shorts/4Rvhu5IunCE
but that is often not the case Except you have a farm. I print same files everyday. xDStill, I get the point that implementing an optimization here on something that's relatively unobtrusive isn't justified.
I came here to suggest the same thing and found that someone did it before me. A code editor is required for the files in the library. Downloading, editing and re-uploading them, especially if there are several of them, is a tedious task. My goal…
I use RaspberryPi.
Ok, I get something like that. This are from https://teachingtechyt.github.io/calibration.html#speed After what you comment, I think that the bottleneck is in the printer board that cannot process so many instructions per second. I managed t…
In some files I have to lower the print speed to 80% for the seam to print correctly. Same thing on 10 printers. The slicer from the cell phone is a bit annoying. Playing 80 would be easier.
All is OK. Strange... I will wait for next release to upgrade...
failed: Temporary failure in name resolution. wget: unable to resolve host address ‘download3.repetier.com’ If I acces from my computer says 404 page not found
To be sure... Some printers like Ender 3 or Artillery x1 do not allow saving in Eeprom. So to modify this, I have in the beginning of my files the acceleration and speed settings that I prefer. (This is a CURA legacy, before using repettier server)…
I have great news. Replace code works.I did not realize it because the speed is not updated in the interface. But yesterday I put the same file to print on two different machines and one finished before the other. So it works ... I don't know if…
I try that and not work.https://ibb.co/dtsngDF Can you check that on your test setup?
I try thishttps://regex101.com/r/zAHjvR/1 Regular Expresion: /M220 S100 ;Reset Feedrate/g Gcode to executeM220 S80 ;FEEDRATE 80 Personalizado https://ibb.co/68hPzVp this matches on regex101 https://ibb.co/0sS2cJR But not work. for this Gcode M1…
Repetier said: > What I have noticed is that after a few weeks, apparently the license has been lost leaving the installation blank. I had to enter the menu and activate the license again to restore everything. Do you mean there is no lice…
Me again. The problem persists on my Raspberry Pi 3 and 4. What I have noticed is that after a few weeks, apparently the license has been lost leaving the installation blank. I had to enter the menu and activate the license again to restore everyth…
For my without realtime view is good. I use it to control nozzle without need to scrol between menus in the printer. Generally the problem is I use the control tab without print active and all is fine, but when I will go back with a print active t…
I m pro user. The licence key are ON. I went to check the latest version of the software and it was able to connect successfully. It runs on a Wi-Fi connected raspberry pi 3. Repetier 1.2.0 I will restart the server when prints finish. I will keep y…
Could you put a control to activate or deactivate the drawing in real time? Maybe this helps.
The problem happens when you send to print from the library. It is 1 second, right at the moment where it finishes processing and loads the job in the printer. I have configured to download heavy work on my desktop pc, but on my pc the version is ol…