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  • Thank you for the help that you did provide.  I have managed to get the firmware corrected and the end stops are now behaving as they should.
  • OK.  I have made some changes, and now when I send a M119, all 3 axis come back open.  If I depress any of the stops and send an M119, the stop I am depressing comes back a triggered.  Am I correct in this is the behavior I'm looking for? If it is, …
  • Sorry for the delay. This is a simple cartesian printer. When I send M119 this is the output that I receive. SENDING:M119Reporting endstop statusx_min: TRIGGEREDx_max: TRIGGEREDy_min: TRIGGEREDy_max: TRIGGEREDz_min: TRIGGEREDz_max: TRIGGERED None …
  • When I manually push the stops, I hear the click of the trigger, but nothing happens. The carriages still move (X, Y and Z).
  • Repetier said: These are the homing settings and they are correct for min homing like you want. Now the question is what drive system you use. Yesterday I fixed a problem in 1.0.4dev for corexy with fastcorexy that made it ignore x min endst…
  • I hope this is the info that you are looking for.... I have a MKS Gen L board. End stops are located so the nozzle would be at 0,0,0  (X,Y,Z) Endstop configuration // @section homing //#define NO_MOTION_BEFORE_HOMING // Inhibit movement until all ax…
  • Repetier said: And all that worked before your changes? Z axis sounds like steps per mm is too high so 1mm is more then 1mm. En stops - Test with M119 if they trigger and show correctly. Are the associated to right direction and motors as wel…
  • Repetier said: Send  M302 S1 to allow cold extrusion, so extruder temperature is not relevant. Do both extruders share same temperature sensor? Is it the same stepper driver? Make sure you have the same invert enable settings then as x,y, z …