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- guffy
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this you can try to use for chunk by chunk uploading with showing progress this could be used for just simple background uploading https:/…
i see. so RH just remembers last 60 min and when i select 15 zoom I can slide left and right. mm. may be this static label makes a user is a bit confused. the label somehow should hint a current zoom level
he has same issue - RH doesn't initialize hardware opengl
yes, i know that when you have only gcode it's very difficult to convert it back to a mesh. but in ordinary case RH has model loaded into Placement/Slicer view and gcode sliced from this model. so there can be empiric rule that when a user had loade…
gcode file:
you have a few ways. you may try to make manifest as an external file. suddenly microsoft isn't too clear with this because they define "file name syntax". and same time…
My application works with manifest. RH work only without manufest. i don;t know why
i have tried with various manifests. even with almost empty like that: for me nothing works. only removing the manifestresource
haha!! i have solved it! i thought that windows somehow "banned" RH from using opengl. by hash, version info or something else. so i took resource hacker and removed version info (by the way it would be nice to properly fill it). it didn't help. t…
i changed depth to 16 and samples to 0 in my code. it still works and enabling AA in RH doesn't help
so it looks like now it's not blame of RH. i guess something wrong with Windows or Intel's OpenGL, but i'm not sure. I made a test: 1. renamed original repetierhost.exe -> repetierhost1.exe 2. copied my application to C:\Program Files\Repetier-H…
hi unfortunatelly new version dosn't help the issue somewhere deeper. You properly init GLControl, but WGL somewhy doesn't properly get entry opints of GL functions and doesn't load intel's GL dll Repeater host (GL control constructor, obtaining e…
byt the way. i had tested repetier host you had gave me on my work PC. it corretly detected opengl 4.5 on intel hd 630
that's funny. i have changed initilization code as yours, but it still work properly. i can make guess that may be an additional componet (GDI+?) in your project indirectly initiliaze opengl and then opentk fails
hi I have made the sample. it looks like it works well. I also had used GLControl_IK packed solution
thank you very much for support, especially on weekend i have got your file. it's really has opentk and glcontrol ver 2.0, repetierhost loads it (i checked with process explorer) unfortunatelly this doesn't help. glcontrol still initialized to use…
oh, i see - i didn't find most obvious place that's interesting. i don't know how to you initialized and used the opentk, i'm not familiar with opengl and don't use c# last years. but simplest opentk sample i have made on my pc (added opentk as nu…
by the way, i had launched repetierhost.exe from commad line window and didn't see any output from them to the console. is it writes a log to some file? or i have to explicitly eneble tracing by a command line switch?
thanks for answer. it's not laptop, it's ordinary desktop pc. i had guess that it looks like some issue with opengl, but it's interesting that when the application shows STL model or gcode sliced by Cura - it works almost well, no issues with render…