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  • Yes it goes up and down but in lower scale. Let's say from 1.1 to 1.58 etc. I also tested on 92.7 and it's ok. When flash the 92.8 here comes the error. I'll check your submissions.
  • Room temperature is let's say 18 Celsius degrees. Without printing anything, on 92.6 firmware bed temperature is 18 Celsius, but on 92.8 bed temperature is 1.1 Celsius degrees. I haven't change anything. I'm using the same configuration.h.
  • Rambo board and bed thermistor is 100k Epcos B57560G0107F000 (on pin TEMP 1 normally used for heated bed). With the same Configuration.h is fine at 92.6
  • I've noticed that you fixed that bug on 92.7 but id you remove the SD card while a wizard menu is present, then again it leads to the main screen.
  • Thanks again. Sooner or later i'll buy you a beer.
  • I fix that but i have one weird problem. GCode::executeFString(PSTR("G1 E850 F2000 S1")); ... GCode::executeFString(PSTR("G1 E300 F1000 S1")); The first gcode runs perfect but the second rotates the filament motor in reverse order even if i change…
  • Where do you initialize eeprom values before first boot ?
  • Or, how to rotate filament motor ?
  • Misunderstanding, Sorry.  if( HAL::eprGetByte(1048) == 0 ) { ... } is checked at the first boot before the wizard takes place. And it has to be true. As the wizard is finished i do GCode::executeFString(PSTR("M206 T0 P1048 S1")); to mark that firs…
  • I'm using this command GCode::executeFString(PSTR("M206 T0 P1048 S1")); Type byte Position 1048 Value 1 And when i'm trying to read by this way : if( HAL::eprGetByte(EPR_BED_CALIBRATION_OK) == 0 ) { ... } no luck. It never jumps into if statement…
  • Repetier one "last" question. I want to use a progress bar. 1) What is the best/easiest way to present it PAGE or MENU ? 2) How to dynamically update this bar based on the extruder temperature ? Thanks again
  • Sorry, ignore the previous post. 1) Is there any UI_WIZARD6 (that contains 6 rows ? ) 2) Is it possible for a menu to have headline (or title) row(s) and selectable menu entries ? I need a menu type with text and a YES/NO option Thanks in advance
  • Thanks Repetier. One more. I'm showing my wizard by using pushmenu function. The wizard pops up but it lasts for 1 second and the it dissapears itself. Do i have to do something more or is it a bug ?
  • And... why i have to use both UI_WIZARD4_T and UI_MENU_ACTIONCOMMAND_T since both have action argument ? If you can clarify the difference i would be very greatefull.
  • And another one question: What i should write to the functions UIDisplay::executeAction UIDisplay::nextPreviousAction UIDisplay::okAction What's the purpose of each one if i'm writing a wizard ?
  • I need to compare v92.3(with modifications) to v92.3 and i don't have any clean version of it.
  • Fortunately, i haven't succeeded to find it. Any hints ? Could someone send me a link ?