How to set up Diamond triple-filament single-nozzle mixing extruder on Rumba board

Hi,  I have very recently set up a Diamond hotend and had to grudgingly switch to Marlin firmware after failing to get Repetier firmware v0.92.3 to work.

I used the Repetier firmware config portal to enable Mixing Extruder and added two more extruder motors.  When I use the firmware, no matter which extruder I attempt to drive (T0, T1, T2) it results in all three extruders rotating at the same time, with three times the distance as they normally should given the command.  Is this sort of setup supported?

Is an extruder such as the Diamond supported in Repetier?  Links to the Diamond wiki, and to my config files, are below.


  • One more thing - I read elsewhere from another person upgrading to a conventional dual extruder (two separate hotends) that they had some weird problems that went away after disabling EEPROM usage -- so I had also tried disabling EEPROM to no avail.
  • Mixing extruder has been sucessfully used. Did you read

    your description sound slike you did not setup the mixing ratios in eeprom. Especially when upgrading with such new features you often end up with garbage and the default if it works is to have all extrude the same. Check what happens if one has 100% and other 0. If it still extudes 3x then you need to set it to 1/3. But I guess your ratios are set 0/0/0 so all do the same which does not happen with correct ratios.
  • Merci beaucoup

    Je suis français et je suis désolé j'utiliser google.
    Je placerai mon imprimante avec le diamant hotend.
    Je ne peux pas configurer Marlin avec une carte de rumba.
    Je ne peux pas trouver une solution avec l'Internet, je l'espère, vous pouvez me aider.

    J'ai réalisé mon imprimante il y a deux ans, j'ai appelé Dombaud (mon surnom)
    avant dernière version ci-dessous

    Merci d'avance
  • English please.
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