Error with Z Probing
Hi guys,
yesterday i was trying to invoke the automatioc Z probing.
I have set all needed Defins in the Firmware for Z probing an it works great, but some movments settings from the printer wasn´t correct. For example when i send the command to drive 10mm to left he was driving to right and so so stuff.
For that reason i have set the movement settings so that he drives correctly, but now if i send the command G30 or G29 the printer drives my printingbed (i have an coreXY) to bottom and not to the Z-probe on the top, and if i trigger the probe manuel the host shows me som z-probing error and stops instantly.
I tried to set the z_probe_on_high too true and false, but with both settings it dosn´t work.
For your understanding, my Z start point is on Top, so the printer must drive Z- to print.
Greez, Max
yesterday i was trying to invoke the automatioc Z probing.
I have set all needed Defins in the Firmware for Z probing an it works great, but some movments settings from the printer wasn´t correct. For example when i send the command to drive 10mm to left he was driving to right and so so stuff.
For that reason i have set the movement settings so that he drives correctly, but now if i send the command G30 or G29 the printer drives my printingbed (i have an coreXY) to bottom and not to the Z-probe on the top, and if i trigger the probe manuel the host shows me som z-probing error and stops instantly.
I tried to set the z_probe_on_high too true and false, but with both settings it dosn´t work.
For your understanding, my Z start point is on Top, so the printer must drive Z- to print.
Greez, Max
The stupidt thing now is, that i dont know how i can change this, so the printer starts printing on Z-Max.
thx for the answer.
I have set all new an now the printer works fine
i have one more question.
I added the G32 command in my starting G-Code and the printer makes the Z-Probe at 3 points, but after this he drives ~10mm forward from the last probe point and makes a Z min homing (normaly homing from the printer is Z-Max) and after this i must home the printer with G28 x y, wenn i dont home the x and y axis the zero-points are at the last probe point plus the 10mm forward.
Is itnecessary that i do a Z home to Max bevor i make the Z probe?
And what dose S1? Actually i dont want to save G32 (my eeprom is off)
Do you have link for my where i can find all commands for repetier, cause some commands i cant find i the reprap wiki
EIDIT: it makes a diffrent, after the probing the extruder drives 55mm forward but the probe points be the same.
So i tried to invert the coordinates from my printer, now is the offset from the probe really -55 but my error is also inverted.
Now i have no diffrents between 0 and -55 but by +55.
What im try to explan is:
If have the bed leveling methon 2, so i set 3 test points, where the probe should test the distance.
And for the correct position from the probe by the testpoints, it's necessary that the x/y prope offset is correctly set or not?
For exemple, if the first test point is X100 and Y5 and the probe offset from the nozzle is 0/0 than is the nozzle at this position but not the Probe cause the prob and the nozzle cant be at the same position, thats why i can set the probe off set or? But if is set the probe offset to Y+55, my probe tested at the same position like with the offset 0, just when the tests are finished my printer drives the 55mm back, but bevore he has not changed de cooardinates so at the end of the Z Probing the cooardinates for the nozzel are not correct cause the printer tested the probe points not with the +55m on the Y axsis.
Why it's the best to centern and then start probing?
With that you just mean to center the extruder befor start testing or set the testpoint to center?
Big thx
can you answer me one more question.^^
Now i have every thing writen in the firmware and nothin in the eeprom, if i activate now the eeprom is all from the firmware in the eeprom too or must i write it also in the eeprom by hand?
Thx a lot for the great support