extruder not powering on in manual control
I am configuring my first printer and trying to test everything before I send a print.
I have wrestled with various firmwares and finally seem to be getting good motor control using Repetier Host V1.6.1 (Windows) and Repetier Firmware 0.92.9 on a Ramps 1.4 board with an Arduino Mega.
IN manual mode I can home the print head but when I try to manually extrude the extruder motor doesn't turn.
When I unplug the extruder motor from it's motor controller on the Ramps board, and plug it into the X motor controller it turns fine so I know the wiring of the stepper is correct. I've also run a simple arduino test program and it's working fine. So it seems as if somewhere in the Repetier firmware I have a setting wrong, or I don't understand how the manual control is supposed to work.
Any assistance you can provide would be very much appreciated.
Also - where can I find a list of g-code commands that are supported?
in mine it´s set to 160 degrees . so usually you heat extruder and it only can move when filament begins melting,
thats the reason for that.
Set your extruder for temp 180 deg and try again
search for #define MIN_EXTRUDER_TEMP
it´s located in configuration.h
anyway , i wouldn´t Change it as you will start grinding Filament when operating Extruder at low temp