Manual SD Mount
Hello! I'm currently using Repetier in a printer I made with a custom board but with the very same connections as the "RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller" with a RAMPS v1.4 Board. The only difference is that my SD Slot doesn't have a SD Card Detection pin so Repetier is not mounting the SD Card unless I put to ground pin D49.
Is any way to manually mount SD Card? For example when entering the SD Card menu try to mount the SD Card if not mounted? I should call SDCard::mount() when entering the SD Card menu but I can't find what is called or used when entering the SD Card menu. Any idea if this is possible? I tried putting ORIG_SDCARDDETECT to -1 thinking it will manually mount the SD Card at some point but it doesn't.
but ui.h defines this again if you select RRD GLCD, so you need to change it in ui.h for that board. Then you get mount/unmount command in sd card menu.
I like to have the convenience of a mount/unmount command in sd card menu as well, but using a XYZ Davinci 1.0 - with 0.92 what to change for this printer?
I'm using an microSD extension cable with the DaVinci 1.0! I'm not sure if the board got a pin to detect the SD-card when inserted. All I know is that I need to powercycle the printer to get the card recognised, so I assume there is no such pin!??
I've looked inside the CONFIGURATION.h to active the manual mount/unmount command in the display.
changed to
#define SDCARDDETECT -1 //will give compile error "1" works but makes no change!?
There is no #define for motherboard 999 ... !?
Can't get it to work - still always need to powercycle printer! Can someone please help!?