Why configuration between first extruder and second extruder is different?

hello guys! i'm a beginner programer and now i'll try to use repetier firmware for 3d printer delta. for my project, i want to add some extruder so i try to analyze teh repetier firmware. i find about extruder configuration, configuation between first extruder and second extruder is different. so why configuration is different? can i set the extruder configuration like whatever i want?

thank you. hope you can help me :)


  • Each extruder has the same parameter, but values can of course be different. Each extruder has it's own hardware to control, so values differ.
  • okey thank you for your answer and now i want to ask again about LCD pin
    i use arduino mega and LCD MCP23017 for my 3d printer but i can't find pin lcd in pins.h for arduino mega and pin lcd configuration in ui.h, i don't understand what is bv? why and when we use that? thamk you :)
    Define the pin
    #if UI_DISPLAY_TYPE==3 // I2C Pin configuration
    #define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN _BV(4)
    #define UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN _BV(5)
    #define UI_DISPLAY_ENABLE_PIN _BV(6)
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D0_PIN _BV(0)
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D1_PIN _BV(1)
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D2_PIN _BV(2)
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D3_PIN _BV(3)
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN _BV(0)
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN _BV(1)
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D6_PIN _BV(2)
    #define UI_DISPLAY_D7_PIN _BV(3)

  • Ok, you selected the most complex case for lcd configuration:-)

    MCP is a I2C to bit pattern so you send the pattern to the chip and that sends it to your display. _BV read Bit Value so _BV(3) means bit 4 set = 1 << 3 = 16. So this defines how you fill in the bit pattern of the MCP to match your wiring with the lcd parallel interface.
  • really? wow i don't know about it.

    oh okey i can understand about bv

    can i ask another question? what the function of fastio.h? the skecth like pins.h but i can't really understand about it.

    sorry i ask you again and again :D
  • Normally you set pins with digitalWrite(pin,signal) but that is awfully slow and would take much to long for the firmware. fastio adds e.g. WRITE(pin,signal) to do the same much faster. Only drawback is pin must be a fixed integer at compile time, while digitalWrite also accepts variables. The way it is speed up is with macro magic, so you need to be very familiar with C macros to understand what is going on there or accept that it is working and fast.

    pins.h defines the pins we need depending on the used board as they differ from board to board.
  • do you understand about c macros? i try to search about it but i don't really understand
  • Just remember it replaces the source with macros replaced. Nesting macros allows to join strings in a clever way, whcih is what fastio does. Merging pin numbers with symbols so it gives the direct code to set/read pins without needing tests and indirections like arduino does.
  • can you give me link the newest repetier firmware mixing color? i try to search but i can't find it. and does repetier firmware has manual guide?
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