Help me with FW e SW Delta printer
Hello everyone
I'm doing a Delta Robot, like the one in the picture (link), for use as a 3D printer.
The robot is driven by brushless motors 3 Nema 23 with its driver. This
driver has the direction inputs, Step, etc. and it can optionally be
controlled by USB. (The driver of the seller said that can be controlled
by macro
My problem with the project is: I can not find a control board and a software for controlling the robot;
does anyone know how I can make it work?
Thank you!!

I'm doing a Delta Robot, like the one in the picture (link), for use as a 3D printer.
The robot is driven by brushless motors 3 Nema 23 with its driver. This
driver has the direction inputs, Step, etc. and it can optionally be
controlled by USB. (The driver of the seller said that can be controlled
by macro
My problem with the project is: I can not find a control board and a software for controlling the robot;
does anyone know how I can make it work?
Thank you!!
