Wanhao D5S mini bed leveling gcode - machine pause
I hope you can help; I’m new to 3D printing and Repetier. Tried searching internet & this forum but can’t find an answer to what is probably a simple thing to do.
I am in the process of converting my Wanhao D5S mini to use 1.75mm filament, so have installed Jaco Theron’s completely open source Repetier version of the firmware so I have more control of the machine setup.
The original Wahhao firmware has an option to move the nozzle just above each bed leveling screw, pause while any adjustment is made. Pressing the knob then moves to the machine to the next screw position.
I’m trying to replicate this with a gcode file. An M0 on the ender 3 seems to make the machine pause ok, how do I replicate this in Repieter firmware?
Many thanks for your help
Gcode file contents for the ender 3:-
;Layer height: 0.2
; M190 S60 ;Bed Temp Temp -- Change this
; M104 S0 ;Extruder Temp -- Set to 0 for initial calibration
; M109 S ;Extruder Temp -- Set to 0 for initial calibration
; M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
;Basic settings:
;Layer height: 0.2
;Walls: 0.8
;Top/Bottom: 0.6
;Fill: 10
;Retraction Distance: 7
;Retraction Speed: 60
G28 ;Home
; Calibration Round 1
G1 Z10 ; Lift Z axis
G1 X75 Y160 F2400; Move to Position 1
G1 Z0
M0 ; Pause print
G1 Z10 ; Lift Z axis
G1 X240 Y160 F2400; Move to Position 2
G1 Z0
M0 ; Pause print
G1 Z10 ; Lift Z axis
G1 X160 Y0 F2400 ; Move to Position 3
G1 Z0
M0 ; Pause print
G28 ;Home ; use this line if just one round of calibration
or install the manual leveling wizard which does a similar thing just interactive. You can modify the source of wizard if you like other initalization.