ticking sounds
Could you please help me explain what this sound is. I'm having trouble searching for answers so I posted a video of what the machine is doing. I've tried different configurations like
but the ticking remains.
CHOPPER_TIMING_DEFAULT_24V, CHOPPER_TIMING_PRUSAMK3_24V, stealth mode false, and turning off stall detection with -128.
(STEPPER_TMC5160_SW_SPI(XMotor, IOX1Step, IOX1Dir, IOX1Enable, MOSI_PIN, MISO_PIN, SCK_PIN, ORIG_X_CS_PIN, 0.075, 1, 32, 900, false, 100, -128, 12500000, endstopNone, endstopNone))
uncommenting this also had no effect //#define IGNORE_TMC5160_FEEDBACK
Here the code from 500ms timer:
you can try to move the #igndef before the iniSucceeded just to test if it is coming from this. If so question would be why it does not initialize correctly then.