Repetier 1.0.3 | Blank LCD after upgrading | Printer: Hatchbox Alpha | LCD: SCM12864F
Issue: The LCD display does not work after install updated firmware.
Printer: Hatchbox Alpha Delta 3D Printer w/E3D V6 Clone
Melzi: MKS Gen 1.4
LCD: SCM12864FV1.0
OS: Windows 10
Original Firmware Version: 0.92.8
New Firmware Version: 1.0.3
This is what I tried:
1. I dumped all of my firmware settings using Repetier-Server.
2. Used Fischl USBASP with firmware v1.5 to dump the firmware and downloaded the following firmware for reference:
3. I then went to the firmware configurator and imported his configuration.h file since he didn't include the JSON.
4. I set the ESTEPS to 400, and reversed the extruder since I am using a Tevo Titan
5. I removed all of the extra languages but English to save space.
6. I downloaded the entire firmware package and opened it in Arduino IDE 1.8.7 and compiled the firmware.
7. Uploaded the new Repetier Firmware 1.0.3 using AVRDUDESS and once I power cycled the board I got no LCD.
I figured it could be an issue with the pin configuration causing the display not to load and I tried using the 0.92.8 source and wasn't able to get it to work because they used a super old version of Arduino IDE and it has errors. If I install their stock firmware it works fine though. I am able to compile 0.92.9 Kirby Firmware but I can't import the configuration.h file into the configurator.
How can I step upgrade from 0.92.9 to 1.0.3?
Here is a link to all the files:
Printer: Hatchbox Alpha Delta 3D Printer w/E3D V6 Clone
Melzi: MKS Gen 1.4
LCD: SCM12864FV1.0
OS: Windows 10
Original Firmware Version: 0.92.8
New Firmware Version: 1.0.3
This is what I tried:
1. I dumped all of my firmware settings using Repetier-Server.
2. Used Fischl USBASP with firmware v1.5 to dump the firmware and downloaded the following firmware for reference:
3. I then went to the firmware configurator and imported his configuration.h file since he didn't include the JSON.
4. I set the ESTEPS to 400, and reversed the extruder since I am using a Tevo Titan
5. I removed all of the extra languages but English to save space.
6. I downloaded the entire firmware package and opened it in Arduino IDE 1.8.7 and compiled the firmware.
7. Uploaded the new Repetier Firmware 1.0.3 using AVRDUDESS and once I power cycled the board I got no LCD.
I figured it could be an issue with the pin configuration causing the display not to load and I tried using the 0.92.8 source and wasn't able to get it to work because they used a super old version of Arduino IDE and it has errors. If I install their stock firmware it works fine though. I am able to compile 0.92.9 Kirby Firmware but I can't import the configuration.h file into the configurator.
How can I step upgrade from 0.92.9 to 1.0.3?
Here is a link to all the files:
If I understand you right the display is the only part not working? In thingiverse config file they selected type 11 which is the RepRapDiscount Graphic Controller - the probably most widely used display if you include the compatible clones. I have no idea why they also included ui.cpp - pins are defined in DisplayList.h for displays. And the init seems correct:
that display uses the ST7920 chipset.