Raspberry Pi 4 Compatibility?
Anyone tried the Raspberry Pi 4 B+ with Repetier-Server? Not sure if the RS image for the PI will install on it either.
Any info appreciated.
Any info appreciated.
We will do that for next image with 0.92.0 along with some other planned improvements soon. We also ordered a Pi 4 for testing which should arrive soon, then we can say more.
'/usr/bin/v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext'
changed a little bit and I had to tweak the regular expressions that were looking for Pixel Format.sudo raspi-config and select to autologin to commandline in boot options. Don't know why but updating linux always deletes this setting.
After reboot it should start again touch screen with chrome.
Hows that go? I'm closer but no cigar...:-)
Looking forward to the update! Thanks for the prompt response and a fabulous product!
If it already to late all you need to do is copy /var/lib/Repetier-Server folder to new image to get exactly the same settings back as on old image. Just do make sure server ist stopped when copying the files and start after copy is finished.