Moving probe Z-up is vey slow
Hi I am trying version 1.0.3 and I dont know how to increase velocity in Z up when I am running G32 S2 command.
I have Probing Z speed to 20mm/s, Z home axis 8 mm/s and Z axis movement 20mm/s Z axis acel and rapid to 100mm/s2.
I have these values in config file and eprom, I have verified, but when I do a automatic bed levelling and Z probe is going up only have a 2 or 3 mm/s.With 2 probe repetitions to make a grid of 25x25 point takes a life.
Is there any variable in order to modify this value or It´s hard coded or I am wrong ?
So could you explain Z_PROBE_USE_MEDIAN?
Thanks in Advanced
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La función de sonido está limitada a 200 caracteres
Think of 3 measured height 2,2.1,2.3
average = (2+2.1+2.3)/3 = 2,133
Median is taking the center element of the sorted list instead so here 2.1
Media is good if you have 3 samples and normally all are close but sometimes one is way off due to a measure error. Then it is better to take the mid value instead of the polluted average. If probing is reliable returning same heights it does not really matter.
Trying to use a polycarbonate surface heatBed for printing ABS and heatBed heat distort a little the surface, but automatic bed levelling is making the magic.
No you can not store G32 result to replay. That can be recreated easily running G32 S2 anyway.
G32 with 35x35 square is overkill as it will not store the positions. 3x3 or max. 4x4 is all you need here. There is no gain only wasting time for measurements. In fact only 3 points are used any extra point is just used for computing average plane through measurement points.
Sequence is G32 then G33. G33 is only to fix bending at low z values to adhesion and then correction reduces to 0 over height just as you defined. It i snot really meant for big error. These get covered by G32 and get also corrected over complete z height. So G33 values should ideally swing around 0 correction.
Everything are clear now.
Best Regards