BLTouch Configuration on Makergear M2 with Rambo

edited September 2016 in Tips & Tricks
I made an account so I could share my configuration for the BLTouch using Repetier Firmware 0.92.9.

I used the configuration tool and here are the important settings:
Under Features:
Enable Z-Probing and Servo-Support
Z-Probe pin was Z_max_endstop for my printer
Probe height 8
Probe start script M340 P0 S700
Probe finished script M340 P0 S1500

Servo configuration:
Set Servo 0 to the correct pin (I used the Motor Extensions on my board)

G31 should return HIGH.
M340 P0 S1200 puts the probe in parking position.
G31 should now return LOW.
M340 P0 S1500 puts the probe in parking position.

I only use G30 to manually measure the distance to the bed for easier manual calibration so I can't say anything about using G33 but everything should work fine after you tested with the code above.


  • I testet this. But it doesnt work. :-(
    Which endstop do you use?

  • have you a Z min endstop switch ? It look's to be the problem if you dont have a regular Z-min endstop switch + the bl-touch...

    The way repetier choose and persit to digg to manage autoleveling is just... shitty !!!
    Sometimes, what make you noble, is to recognize a mistake, the way marlin choose to do autoleveling using the same Z-min pin is definitly the best one :(

    I brought the repetier server, but I cant use repetier firmware any more because of my Bl-touch...
  • I totally agree. Repetier has too much problems with bltouch. Marlin works. Repetier does not. period.
  • I am actually amazed that Repetier hasn't implemented the bltouch. It seems to be a fairly easy fix and would make many people's life easier. Repetier claims that it is a controlled as a regular servo with start / stop scripts, so what keeps them from a) implementing a #define BLTouch or b) document the process?
    That would sure as hell serve everyone, including Repetier as they would not have to reply to the countless issues / comments found in trackers and forums. I don't understand!!
  • edited January 2018
    Guys, BLTouch is working fine in Repetier.
    Just follow the instructions that luke321 posted here.
    I use it both for homing and bed-leveling every day.

    Please post descriptive explanations of what is going on in your case so we can debug. We may be able to improve support based on those reports.
  • Guys, BLTouch is working fine in Repetier.
    Just follow the instructions that luke321 posted here.
    I use it both for homing and bed-leveling every day.

    Please post descriptive explanations of what is going on in your case so we can debug. We may be able to improve support based on those reports.
    me too,no problems at all.
  • Maybe not directly related, but try using HOMING_ORDER HOME_ORDER_XYZ (on a cartesian) and ZHOME_X_POS and ZHOME_Y_POS have no effect at all. It is required to set HOMING_ORDER to HOME_ORDER_XYTZ (or HOME_ORDER_ZXYTZ??)
    Could not find anything in docs about that. Just saying that a providing a working sample config would help tremendously (as opposed to bits of info spread all over issue tracker and forums)
  • Yes, only these 2 homing orders use x and y homing position.
  • luke321 said:
    I made an account so I could share my configuration for the BLTouch using Repetier Firmware 0.92.9.

    I used the configuration tool and here are the important settings:
    Under Features:
    Enable Z-Probing and Servo-Support
    Z-Probe pin was Z_max_endstop for my printer
    Probe height 8
    Probe start script M340 P0 S700
    Probe finished script M340 P0 S1500

    Servo configuration:
    Set Servo 0 to the correct pin (I used the Motor Extensions on my board)

    G31 should return HIGH.
    M340 P0 S1200 puts the probe in parking position.
    G31 should now return LOW.
    M340 P0 S1500 puts the probe in parking position.

    I only use G30 to manually measure the distance to the bed for easier manual calibration so I can't say anything about using G33 but everything should work fine after you tested with the code above.

    Hi Luke, I've been reading your post and would like to add the Bltouch to my printer, unfortunately your config.h file link isn't valid any more. Please could you upload another copy? Unfortunately the copy of firmware code I have wasn't generated in the configuration tool so I'm having to add the functionality manually.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    All the best
    Barry M
  • Hello Barry,

    please try this link:

    I wish you nice holidays
  • Hi Luke, I would like to add the Bltouch to my printer, unfortunately your config.h file link isn't valid any more. Please could you upload another copy? 

    Thanks a lot.

    Didier B
  • Hi Luke, I would like to add the Bltouch to my printer, unfortunately your config.h file link isn't valid any more. Please could you upload another copy? 

  • luke321 said:
    I made an account so I could share my configuration for the BLTouch using Repetier Firmware 0.92.9.

    I used the configuration tool and here are the important settings:
    Under Features:
    Enable Z-Probing and Servo-Support
    Z-Probe pin was Z_max_endstop for my printer
    Probe height 8
    Probe start script M340 P0 S700
    Probe finished script M340 P0 S1500

    Servo configuration:
    Set Servo 0 to the correct pin (I used the Motor Extensions on my board)

    G31 should return HIGH.
    M340 P0 S1200 puts the probe in parking position.
    G31 should now return LOW.
    M340 P0 S1500 puts the probe in parking position.

    I only use G30 to manually measure the distance to the bed for easier manual calibration so I can't say anything about using G33 but everything should work fine after you tested with the code above.

    This is going to be a long shot, but if you are till here you dont by any chance have the pin out for the RAMBo 1.3 board do you? i just installed a BL touch using the motor ext pins and trying to set the BL touch up in klipper but i cant find the pins to use
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