Waveshare Spotpear & Raspi 3
Hi Folks,
I just bought a 3,5" LCD which seems to be a waveshare spotpear.
(See here: https://www.ebay.de/itm/3-5-LCD-Touch-Screen-Display-Hülle-Set-Kühlkörper-für-Raspberry-Pi-3/191598363276)
I connected it to the Pi and installed the driver, now it will show me all the console output during booting and some Kernel messages. But what it does NOT is show any interface from Repetier.
So do I have to configure anything else?
I just found this, but I think it migh be an older version and is outdated (I'm using the latest version of Repetier):
Can anyone help me to solve this issue and get my screen properly working?
I just bought a 3,5" LCD which seems to be a waveshare spotpear.
(See here: https://www.ebay.de/itm/3-5-LCD-Touch-Screen-Display-Hülle-Set-Kühlkörper-für-Raspberry-Pi-3/191598363276)
I connected it to the Pi and installed the driver, now it will show me all the console output during booting and some Kernel messages. But what it does NOT is show any interface from Repetier.
So do I have to configure anything else?
I just found this, but I think it migh be an older version and is outdated (I'm using the latest version of Repetier):
Can anyone help me to solve this issue and get my screen properly working?
it is something like this.
In fact this is impossible:
"Try this to switch back to HDMI Output: Run "
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-fbturbo.conf
"."The files are under /usr/share/X11...
Anyways, I ended up re-installing the whole server. Still not really working.
Now I see the shell output and then it goes to a blank screen with a cursor in the upper left. In the beginning there is some circle in the screen flickering, then it stays blank. (So only the cursor stays there)
What can this be - no idea how the interface for the server is loaded..
I did plenty of times & installs now - again and again.
Anyway, what happens in fact is:
When I press the display, for a very short moment (probably when it refreshes?) I can see the menu.
I guess the direction-arrows are displayed, because the bed moves a bit.
But all the time I can see the cursor (not sure about the refresh-moment), so I can exclude any faulty contact.
So still no idea whats going on :-/
Anyway, I have downloaded a image which contains the driver and its working, I got the desktop of Raspian.
Buuut: When installing the deb-file with dpkg, the server does not start and I can not start it from the shell. Also no GUI is loaded and as well it is not available via the web-interface.
Any idea here? :-)
But to me it looked (on the repetier image) like the menue is shown but with an overlay or whatever.
Any developers that may help here?
I did it piece by piece & step by step acc. to the waveshare and your manual.
So what do I have now, is a pointer that shows when I tap the display....and a display that shows...nothing.
Only when the pointer is going around I see something. In addition the screen is upside-down (but the pointer goes normal).
But still the screen is blank & black with a small cursor.
I also installed lightdm, because after I switched on autologin, raspi-config recommends to install it in order to make the autologin work. (The wavshare manual mentioned to switch it on)
And what about the Repetier-people? I mean I spent quite some money for the server, despite that there is Astroprint & Octoprint for free.
So you could at least give some support!
It is not that I don't want, but it as not part of my product so I miss the required knowledge. You should try to ask waveshare how to make x server display on the screen. Maybe just some kernel parameter for the driver.
But...: When I use the readily made image-file, it boots to the desktop and seems to work well. Also I can set up Repetier, but what I can not, is to:
1.) Start automatically (or just start it manually!) into the GUI of repetier.
2.) How to change the port from 3344 to 80 (or 443 https).
(When using your image, it is automatically on port 80 for the web-interface)
Port 80 is the nginx server we install. Read here
how to setup yourself.
The gui is just chromium which we have put into openbox autostart (the windowmanager we use)
pi@FelixPi:~/.config/openbox $ cat autostart
# Uncomment the following 3 commands to have display always on
#xset s off # don't activate screensaver
#xset -dpms # disable DPMS (Energy Star) features.
#xset s noblank # don't blank the video device
chromium-browser --noerrdialogs --disable-suggestions-service --disable-translate --disable-save-password-bubble --disable-session-crashed-bubble --disable-infobars --touch-events=enabled --disable-gesture-typing --kiosk
So just install latest chromium on your image and check what is the autostart file so you can add that there as well. We have set autologin in raspi-config so it starts completely.
If that is all you need it would be fairly easy to copy.