X axis direction difficulty
I need some help here with a problem, I have spent literally weeks trying to get my Mendel printer working, The Z and Y axis home perfectly but cannot get the X axis to home. Have downloaded every firmware available but none solve the problem, am currently using the latest Repetier firmware and is the best yet, however still cannot get config.h sorted out to properly home X axis. I have left and right movement using Repetier Host manual setting, there is 5 volts at the endstop, the mechanical endstop functions normally when manually activated, the endstop cuts power to the X axis when moving away from home but not towards home. No amount of setting changes make any difference to this situation. The board is Arduino Mega 1.4 Ramps 2650. So what's going on, does anyone know?
All advice appreciated
The Tooluser
No useful data in log,
20:07:59.346 : start
20:07:59.346 : Info:External Reset
20:07:59.362 : Transformation matrix: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
20:07:59.362 : Free RAM:4437
20:07:59.581 : N1 M110 *2
20:07:59.581 : N1 M110 *2
20:07:59.581 : N2 M115 *4
20:07:59.581 : N3 M105 *4
20:07:59.581 : N4 M114 *3
20:07:59.581 : N5 M111 S6 *66
20:07:59.581 : N6 T0 *28
20:07:59.581 : N7 M20 *54
20:07:59.581 : N8 M80 *51
20:07:59.612 : N9 M220 S100 *72
20:07:59.612 : N10 M221 S100 *113
20:07:59.612 : N11 M111 S6 *119
20:07:59.612 : N12 T0 *41
unable to add M119 to log by typing command in gcode editor, so in line 1, I type M119 (enter) is there some other way to input this line? nothing different shows in the log
This is what I get, please tell me why x axis is not homing, please note endstops have not hit as there is nothing touching.
19:40:23.461 : endstops hit: x_min:L x_max:L y_min:L z_min:H
19:40:29.430 : N16 M105 *48
19:40:29.618 : N17 M119 *60
19:40:29.618 : endstops hit: x_min:L x_max:L y_min:L z_min:H