a) A mega2560 CPU
b) RAMPS 1.4 shield
c) The MKS MINI 12864 LCD controller is plugged into the Smart Adapter (the card used to
interface to the RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller).
1.In Configuration.h enable MINIPANEL.
2.In pins_RAMPS.h use these defines.
#define MISO_PIN 50 // system defined - only needed if using onboard SD card
#define MOSI_PIN 51 // system defined
#define SCK_PIN 52 // system defined
#define SDSS 53 // only needed if using onboard SD card
#define BEEPER_PIN 37
#define BTN_EN1 31
#define BTN_EN2 33
#define BTN_ENC 35
#define KILL_PIN 41 // optional
#define SD_DETECT_PIN 49 // only needed if using onboard SD card
#define DOGLCD_CS 25
#define DOGLCD_A0 27
3.In Marlin 1.1.x and earlier, only one SD card interface can be active. If there is an SD card slot on the controller then either the SD card slot on the MKS MINI 12864 LCD controller is active or the SD card slot on the controller is active but not both.
4.If the SD card slot on the MKS MINI 12864 LCD controller is not used then the following functions should NOT be defined/used:
Could you help me to run MKS_MINI_12864? I use repetier frimware 1.00
What kind of screen should I choose in repetier frimware?
my GLCD does not work as in the video above
I think the display is not smartramps compatible also it uses same connector. Smartramps uses software SPI which can be defined like this:
// For software spi assign these definitions
The MISO/MOSI in the pinout are the hardware MISO/MOSI pins that are used for sd card. Do you know what chip the mks uses and if it is hardware spi? In that case a different config would help, but I don't hav ethe board so I can only wait for someone to provide a working configuration.
I am switching to Repetier from Marlin, and need some help on the MKS MINI 12864. I have a Rumba board. I have a backlight, but that is all. Can you give me some direction on where to start? Im surprised that there isn't an online solution for this yet.
If the SD card is working properly then it has to be DOGLCD_A0 and/or DOGLCD_CS that has the problem. Try adding the following defines:
#define DOGLCD_CS 38
#define DOGLCD_A0 41
That is the Marlin fix.
I saw the code that addressed this in Repetier and it looks a bit confusing to me as if I need to uncomment it.
I will just add this code and see what happens.
No luck here. I want to be smart about this and not just mindlessly change parameters. I started a new thread so that when MKS MINI REPETIER, Is searched, a solution is documented so that others may benefit from it without having to pull their hair out.
it works as VIKI2 feature controller with right pin numbers. For ramps and old repetier 0.92 i have tested it, its described in german language here http://blog.gafu.de/?p=1801
Thanks,good work
Marlin Configuration
The following assumes:
1.In Configuration.h enable MINIPANEL.
2.In pins_RAMPS.h use these defines.
3.In Marlin 1.1.x and earlier, only one SD card interface can be active. If there is an SD card slot on the controller then either the SD card slot on the MKS MINI 12864 LCD controller is active or the SD card slot on the controller is active but not both.
4.If the SD card slot on the MKS MINI 12864 LCD controller is not used then the following functions should NOT be defined/used:
Would you solve this problem
// For software spi assign these definitions
The MISO/MOSI in the pinout are the hardware MISO/MOSI pins that are used for sd card.Do you know what chip the mks uses and if it is hardware spi? In that case a different config would help, but I don't hav ethe board so I can only wait for someone to provide a working configuration.
I have a Rumba board.
I have a backlight, but that is all.
Can you give me some direction on where to start?
Im surprised that there isn't an online solution for this yet.
If the SD card is working properly then it has to be DOGLCD_A0 and/or DOGLCD_CS that has the problem. Try adding the following defines:
I want to be smart about this and not just mindlessly change parameters.
I started a new thread so that when MKS MINI REPETIER, Is searched, a solution is documented so that others may benefit from it without having to pull their hair out.
For ramps and old repetier 0.92 i have tested it, its described in german language here http://blog.gafu.de/?p=1801