Z axis doesn't move after G32 S2
I'm using fw 1.0.1 and a week ago it was working fine. But a few days ago, when I tried to print, the command G1 Z0 is "ignored" after G32 S2.
All axes moving normally, but just after G32 S2 the Z axis does not move until I move the X or Y axis.
I'm using Z-probe as z-min endstop with servo motor.
I replaced the cables of motors, endstop and the servo but the problem persist.
I've seen the logs on the repetier host but there are no errors after G32 S2.
Can someone help me, please!?
You know S2 is only there to store result to eeprom, so you do not need to do it again and just home Z instead?
X:147.01 Y:150.0 Z:39.338 E:0.0000
(Z:39 is the Z position with servo arm up)
All in low state
After G32 I can not move Z up and down. Right after the X or Y movement, the Z axis returns to move
Sorry about S2, I modificated my 3D printer and kept the "S2" in factory start script. It always works fine with the G32 in the start script, but a few days ago it stopped
I will try upgrade to 1.0.2