Extruding not retracting
Hi All,
I recently changed from Marlin to repetier firmware, but I can't get the retraction working.
Manually from the host software the extruder motor moves in both directions, so there is no electrical or mechanical problem.
In the Eeprom I have following parameters set:
Enable retraction conversion - 1
Retraction length - 5.000mm
Retraction speed - 40.00mm/s
Retraction Z-lift - 0.000mm
Extra extrusion on undo retract - 0.000mm
Retraction undo speed - 20.00mm/s
In Cura Engine I checked the box "Enable Retraction" and following parameters set:
Retraction Speed - 40.00mm/s
Retraction length - 5mm
Minimal movement before extraction - 0mm
Minimal extrusion before retraction - 0mm
I have tried to modify this parameters slowly up to even rediculous high values, but absolutely no retraction...
Someone have some tips?
Thank you in advance