Extruder not switching properly


I read known issues and didn't find that one. On Da Vinci Duo , one fan version, I've just came across a huge problem. I was printing 2 color  Vase just for a test. First raft was layed down correctly in black, few layers after, then few layers of white as color of object, than half was black half white like it should be, but then it looked like extruder was not switched correctly few layers aobove , white nozzle was printing in mid air while black one was extruding black for no reason all over the print. At next layer it was the same, black was put properly, white was not extruded , but black. Black was extruder 0, white -extruder 1. I use newest Repetier, 0.92 firmware. It was printed from SD card. Job was sliced in Cura 15.04, but it was sliced properly. All layers are like should be in this area when I checked in preview. I  have this file if someone would need.

Maybe adding a few times in a row T0 or T1 commands in Cura's gcode section could solve it? I would have to check it, have no idea if it could work, anyway it would have to be put as T[n] or similar otherwise would have to be done manually. It's only a guess


  • An update. White layer was also misaligned, so messing with T0 T1 is pointless
  • So if I understand you correctly the extruder switches with extrusion but they do not switch position so result is garbage after it.

    When you manually send I guess the extruders move position every time?

    If so something confuses the switching. Can you reduce the switch to a simple example where it should switch but does not by extracting that part of code where the wrong switch happens? Then we could test if that code generally causes a problem or if it is only in a special combination you have.
  • So if I understand you correctly the extruder switches with extrusion but they do not switch position so result is garbage after it.

    When you manually send I guess the extruders move position every time?

    If so something confuses the switching. Can you reduce the switch to a simple example where it should switch but does not by extracting that part of code where the wrong switch happens? Then we could test if that code generally causes a problem or if it is only in a special combination you have.

    OK, I'm running the test again. I was mislead by the fact that diameter
    of print is almost the same as distance between nozzles. I think there
    happened two things: misposition of head because of nozzles too close to
    the print , misisng the steps because of this and "white " extruder not
    feeding sometimes at all. There might be also coincidence that X motor
    wire could be broken but I don't think it's the case, machine has less
    then 100hours of usage. Anyway, it's not a bug, machines issue.
  • Ok, I then take this as closed until further results prove it wrong.
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