All motors energized but not moving at all
I am currently building my own 3D printer, a CoreXY system, with the latest Repetier firmware. RUMBA board and DRV8825 drivers.
The heating of the extruder works, the heat bed works via SSR, the end stops (tested with the M119 command), the temperature sensors, the fans (currently disabled in FW), the display works. This all works.
ONLY the motors do NOT move. No matter what I do, I can't make the motors spin. The motors are energized, so they have power. You even cannot turn the spindle by hand! But the motors are not turning at all. All axis and extruder motors are affected. I tested the motors without any load, so not mounted to anything.
What I've tried so far:
- the microsteps are set (to 32)
- the driver voltage is set (to about 0.60 V)
- tried different driver modules
- tried different stepper motors (all of them "ordinary" Nema17 steppers)
- the correct phases and connections of the motors have been determined (I've also read the motor data sheets)
- the enable signal in the repeater firmware has been inverted and back again
None of this works. I'm at my wits' end.
I would be very happy if someone could help me.
(external image because of size)
Does disabling motor (M84) make them moveable again? Just a check that orientation is ok, also I guess otherwise the motors would not have blocked at all.
Repetier, thank you, too. M84 did not change anything. Motors are still on and energized after sending that command.
BUT I had a very little success after altering the firmware settings a bit. I changed these settings (beside of the lower steps/mm):
- "EEPROM usage" to EEPROM disabled (before it was EEPROM set 1)
- "Delay stepper high signal" to 2 (instead of 1)
- I also disabled all fan pins since I control my fans externally.
Now, the command M84 seems to work. It switches the motors off. After attempting to move the motors (in Repetier Host with manual controls) the motors get energized, again. BUT also again: still no movement, no rotation!
Do you know what else I can try out, maybe altering other FW settings?
If nothing works I guess my RUMBA board is broken somehow.
could you post the actual configuration.h that was used to load to the board? (In case something got d/l'd wrong)(just a thought)
The configuration.h of the current version of my firmware can be found here:
@MartinH: Sure, but I'm afraid that doesn't mean too much since drivers of even the same model can have different pcb layouts. I only made sure to connect certains pins of the DRV8825 drivers to the corresponding pins of the Rumba board. For example, GND is in the lower right-hand corner (as I recall correctly), therefore the poti is at the top of the driver.
Moreover, here's the spec sheet of one of my Nema17 motors:
The displays returns some ??? for the state of the motors. What does that mean?
I've tried different combos of microstepping, but need a sanity check on FW settings: