Marlin and the Arduino Due?
Just trying the smoothie board and have to say the Smoothieware firmware is pretty awful. Tedious to configure and way too user-UN-friendly. Terrible stuff.
So, I am looking at an Arduino-Due. I have searched but the problem is "Due" in the search as it also finds zillions of results with "due" as in "your payment is due" -- DUH!! Tried a 'case' search, but with little change in results.
I am using Marlin 1.1.8 on my A6 and Anycubic Linear, but the Anycubic is pushing the limits of the Mega/RAMPS, so thought I'd try the Due as Marlin id very good firmware. Anyone using a Due and Marlin care to give me a shout out on what to look for etc?
The Github for Marlin 2.0 seems to still be stumbling with the Due and little interest in fixing it at this stage.