Ah forgot to mention in case u should not be able to reproduce it, i got another radds in my sls-printer which i could test. But im not in a hurry since the old setup still works.
Hi just tested the build for TMC2130 as well. Seems to be an inconsistency here, in printer.cpp the drivers are initialized with eg. EXT1_ENABLE_PIN, but in the config and pins.h it is E1_ENABLE_PIN. Exception is the CS PIN, wich is defined as EXT1_CS_PIN in config.h
@Simme You're right, that's a mistake. However, it's harmless and the the whole thing works as expected because the TMC2130Stepper library actually doesn't use the enable PIN. I even filed an issue about it and it got removed. All it really needs is the CS pin number.
Hello, I've got a CoreXY printer and steppers wired via SPI When I try to use X axis, only X motor move and if I try to use Y axis, only the Y motor move and no combination of both... settings in printer type is coreXY and if I replace the TMC by DRV 8825 everything work fine... What have I done wrong ???
(I've also tried chop mode but motors are loud as hell !)
@alexsomesan got mine working by now, looks like my dc-dc-stepdown on the extruderfan interferred with the SPI, now with going straight from the powersupply to the mosfet and a added capacitor erverything works as expected
@alexsomesan got mine working by now, looks like my dc-dc-stepdown on the extruderfan interferred with the SPI, now with going straight from the powersupply to the mosfet and a added capacitor erverything works as expected
I had a fan wired up the same as you mentioned and also played around with the PWM settings for it but I wasn't able to reproduce the problem. I didn't know about the DC-DC converted. I guess you're on 24v and trying to use a 12v fan? In that case, what works for me is to set the MAX_PWM for that fan at around 180-200 and put a resistor (5W one) in series with the fan to prevent the higher current. The resistor will get warm, but it works.
@alexsomesan Yeah its 24V - 5V and since i always got some of those little MP1584EN around i used one of them, didnt know they would interfere like this. But gladly i got Mister @RAyWB to teach me and tell me how shitty my electronics look xD
Hi guys, I'm still struggling I am trying to set microstepping on my Y axis to 1/2 to get my X and Y axis to almost have the same resolution (X=160 steps/mm, Y=144 steps/mm) But the steps per mm setting isn't being written to the TMC2130 I think. It looks like when I move the axis 50mm, it actually moves only 12.5mm.. So apparently it's set to 1/8 microstepping.
One detail: i'm uploading firmware through the compiled binary through repetier server.. maybe it skips some settings that way?
I solved the problem for the SPI mode (Chinese TMC needed to remove resistor and make solder in two points) Now SPI with my coreXY work but I've many questions due to strange things <span></span>
Y homing home 1mm from endstop but X home 1/2cm from endstop and their eeprom config is the same ! Stealthchop mode keep missing steps as soon as a quick move is done. I found a quick fix by putting the driver current to 1.8 A but I'm a bit worried about It... in 1/16 driver mode the steps/mm are completely messed up and not correct (of course I divided in eeprom my original 1/32 settings by 2) but when I revert it to 1/32 and multiply by two everything is good again... What is the correct Stepper High signal for a ramps FD with arduino due and TMC 2130 ? Some people says that you should desactivate quad stepping for TMC 2130 for increasing strengh in stealthchop mode... Is it true ? Do you planned to add hybrid mode for TMC ?
I solved the problem for the SPI mode (Chinese TMC needed to remove resistor and make solder in two points) Now SPI with my coreXY work but I've many questions due to strange things <span></span>
One more thing: my arduino solftware can't compile with the latest tmc2130 library from Teematlut. I think I am using the second to last version right now (I'm at work so I can't check which one)
Hot damn, removing the jumper resistor worked in some way... however moving the bed 1mm back resulted in the bed shooting off towards the back, sounded freaky But apparantly this was my problem
edit: Ok It's working for me! even the driver I thought was dead. apparently I never adjusted the motor power using the configurator because SPI mode was off. I'm gonna test some stuff now. thanks everybody!!
...Still can't make those &%§# drivers work without skipping steps...
I've tried putting more current in them (It work better but can't go further than 1800 mA) and it keep kipping steps each time there's an acceleration I haven't found yet the good value of Stepper High Delay for my ramps FD (what should I put)
What are the settings for my coreXY to print without skipping problems ???
...Still can't make those &%§# drivers work without skipping steps...
I've tried putting more current in them (It work better but can't go further than 1800 mA) and it keep kipping steps each time there's an acceleration I haven't found yet the good value of Stepper High Delay for my ramps FD (what should I put)
What are the settings for my coreXY to print without skipping problems ???
Have you triied using a real low value for acceleration?
Start really low on acceleration and jerk. Also, for a Due you don’t really need quadstepping or stepper_high_delay with the TMCs. Try disabling those.
What’s your steps_per_mm value for X and Y.
What motors are you using?
Do you have heatsinks on the driver boards? Which side of the board are they on?
What’s your steps_per_mm value for X and Y.
What motors are you using?
Do you have heatsinks on the driver boards? Which side of the board are they on?
About the motors, It's nema 17 1.8° I was thinking, wouldn't it help if I change the X and X motors for nema 17 0.9° ? Wouldn't I gain more strengh and less skipping ?
No, in most cases stepper motors lose torque when going at higher rpm's. In addition ur board has to calculate twice the steps, so u might run into additional trouble. What are ure current motor specs? (Holding torque etc. ?)
Well the only thing u stated about ur motors is Nema 17 which literally only defines the dimensions of the motor but doesnt tell anything about torque, currents and so on... Anyway if ur running stealthchop, ure probably only able to run it at pretty low speeds and accelerations since this mode doesnt generate a lot of torque therefore its running silent and smooth. Try getting them to work in Spreadcycle first. Cant acces ur pastebin, so im not sure which mode ur using.
I can't answer since I don't understand what you're talking about... They are the original motors given with the printer and there's absolutely no info on it so I even can't give you the slightest serial number as an answer. I put 1.8A in TMC2130 config.h that's the only thing I can tell
Alright if they are stock they should be suiting the printer. Just for ur understanding Nema 14/16/17 etc. defines the dimensions of the motor i.e. Nema17 is 42x42mm but the other values may vary.
Try the following: Set #define MOTOR_CURRENT { 900,900,1000,1000,1000,1000 } and #define TMC2130_STEALTHCHOP 0 // Enable extremely quiet stepping
to get them to work in spreadcycle mode. At 1800mA ur drivers are most likely already running hot and it could even be to much for ur motors. Around 1000mA should be enough for most printers.
Hi guys,
I've created a discord for us. I still have a bit of trouble with power settings as well. Maybe we can discuss some stuff here? I really don't know if this is handy but we have the option now.
I will be on there later today and propably tomorrow morning. I can make Alex an admin ofcourse https://discord.gg/HBaAF
@PioniSensei, the Discord group sounds like a very cool idea! Thanks for setting it up.
I’m traveling this whole week with my phone as the only connection. I’ll be back home on Sunday and we could set up a gathering on discord for Sunday evening, if everyone is available.
Discord would be great if only I had it, PioniSensei's invite link doesn't work and time isn't the same for all of us... Since I'm french I'm not sure sunday evening will be the same for all of us so I don't know how to ...
In case of problem with discord, skype would be great (my pseudo is the same) or I also have my own Teamspeak server (i'll give adress by personnal message if needed)
Sorry the link was set to expire after a day. This is the new link. I am in the netherlands so propably the same as you virtualchronos. Alex is east of us I believe? Text always works within discord luckily. The new discord invite: https://discord.gg/n9GEVAP
Right now its on heater 2 (pin 12), settings are
i got another radds in my sls-printer which i could test.
But im not in a hurry since the old setup still works.
Thanks anyway for ur effort!
Exception is the CS PIN, wich is defined as EXT1_CS_PIN in config.h
Have a look here where I discussed it with the maintainer of that library: https://github.com/teemuatlut/TMC2130Stepper/issues/19
When I try to use X axis, only X motor move and if I try to use Y axis, only the Y motor move and no combination of both... settings in printer type is coreXY and if I replace the TMC by DRV 8825 everything work fine... What have I done wrong ???
(I've also tried chop mode but motors are loud as hell !)
now with going straight from the powersupply to the mosfet and a added capacitor erverything works as expected
I had a fan wired up the same as you mentioned and also played around with the PWM settings for it but I wasn't able to reproduce the problem. I didn't know about the DC-DC converted.
I guess you're on 24v and trying to use a 12v fan? In that case, what works for me is to set the MAX_PWM for that fan at around 180-200 and put a resistor (5W one) in series with the fan to prevent the higher current. The resistor will get warm, but it works.
But gladly i got Mister @RAyWB to teach me and tell me how shitty my electronics look xD
I am trying to set microstepping on my Y axis to 1/2 to get my X and Y axis to almost have the same resolution (X=160 steps/mm, Y=144 steps/mm) But the steps per mm setting isn't being written to the TMC2130 I think. It looks like when I move the axis 50mm, it actually moves only 12.5mm.. So apparently it's set to 1/8 microstepping.
One detail: i'm uploading firmware through the compiled binary through repetier server.. maybe it skips some settings that way?
Now SPI with my coreXY work but I've many questions due to strange things <span>
Y homing home 1mm from endstop but X home 1/2cm from endstop and their eeprom config is the same !
Stealthchop mode keep missing steps as soon as a quick move is done. I found a quick fix by putting the driver current to 1.8 A but I'm a bit worried about It...
in 1/16 driver mode the steps/mm are completely messed up and not correct (of course I divided in eeprom my original 1/32 settings by 2) but when I revert it to 1/32 and multiply by two everything is good again...
What is the correct Stepper High signal for a ramps FD with arduino due and TMC 2130 ?
Some people says that you should desactivate quad stepping for TMC 2130 for increasing strengh in stealthchop mode... Is it true ?
Do you planned to add hybrid mode for TMC ?
I will do those mods this evening and test
One more thing: my arduino solftware can't compile with the latest tmc2130 library from Teematlut. I think I am using the second to last version right now (I'm at work so I can't check which one)
however moving the bed 1mm back resulted in the bed shooting off towards the back, sounded freaky
But apparantly this was my problem
edit: Ok It's working for me! even the driver I thought was dead. apparently I never adjusted the motor power using the configurator because SPI mode was off. I'm gonna test some stuff now. thanks everybody!!
I've tried putting more current in them (It work better but can't go further than 1800 mA) and it keep kipping steps each time there's an acceleration
I haven't found yet the good value of Stepper High Delay for my ramps FD (what should I put)
What are the settings for my coreXY to print without skipping problems ???
What motors are you using?
Do you have heatsinks on the driver boards? Which side of the board are they on?
Steps/mm for XY : 160
Mode 16µ steps (now it work but I don't know why)
Motors Nema 17
Motherboard : Ramps FD V1.0
Chinese TMC 2130 : https://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/0.html?spm=a2g0s.9042647.0.0.B2x7oF&orderId=89657991491269&productId=32837281310 (modified to be in SPI mode, heatsink is not on the chip but on the other side of the board)
Printer : Tronxy X5S
here's my actual config.h and my EEprom.epr :
Wich values should I put on jerk and acceleration ?
I was thinking, wouldn't it help if I change the X and X motors for nema 17 0.9° ? Wouldn't I gain more strengh and less skipping ?
In addition ur board has to calculate twice the steps, so u might run into additional trouble.
What are ure current motor specs? (Holding torque etc. ?)
but doesnt tell anything about torque, currents and so on...
Anyway if ur running stealthchop, ure probably only able to run it at pretty low speeds and accelerations since this mode doesnt generate a lot of torque therefore its running silent and smooth.
Try getting them to work in Spreadcycle first. Cant acces ur pastebin, so im not sure which mode ur using.
I can't answer since I don't understand what you're talking about... They are the original motors given with the printer and there's absolutely no info on it so I even can't give you the slightest serial number as an answer. I put 1.8A in TMC2130 config.h that's the only thing I can tell
Try the following:
#define MOTOR_CURRENT { 900,900,1000,1000,1000,1000 }
#define TMC2130_STEALTHCHOP 0 // Enable extremely quiet stepping
to get them to work in spreadcycle mode. At 1800mA ur drivers are most likely already running hot and it could even be to much for ur motors. Around 1000mA should be enough for most printers.
I've created a discord for us. I still have a bit of trouble with power settings as well. Maybe we can discuss some stuff here? I really don't know if this is handy but we have the option now.
I will be on there later today and propably tomorrow morning. I can make Alex an admin ofcourse
I’m traveling this whole week with my phone as the only connection. I’ll be back home on Sunday and we could set up a gathering on discord for Sunday evening, if everyone is available.
In case of problem with discord, skype would be great (my pseudo is the same) or I also have my own Teamspeak server (i'll give adress by personnal message if needed)
This is the new link. I am in the netherlands so propably the same as you virtualchronos. Alex is east of us I believe? Text always works within discord luckily.
The new discord invite: https://discord.gg/n9GEVAP