Dual x steppers

Hello Everybody

I'm new here and hope I'm on the right section. 

I have a problem with the Firmware repetier 1.0.0, i selected there dual x steppers (EXT1), but i cannot get the second motor to run, also swaping over to EXT0 is not helping, wiring and the drivers are OK. 

Does somebody know this problem?

kind regards


  • Dual X stepper means extruder 0 uses first x stepper and extruder 1 second x stepper motor. I guess you wanted mirror x stepper so both turn the same time.
  • Yes exactly this i want to do. 

    Is there a way to do this?
  • Yes, do what I said. Use mirror x and not dual x and it will work.
  • Thank you verry much, i haven't seen this setting first
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